We’ve put so much of the New Earth in place that we are now creating a large part of our daily experience without even trying. These creations are the result of the intents that we have already moved into energetic form, which has then become physical. This creation of matter from energy is now commonplace for all those who have discharged their old constraining belief systems and are working with the incredible power and potential of the new frequencies.

The streets we walk and drive, the fields that spread around us are imbued with the remarkable frequencies of the new age. Each of us is doing our part, even tho we may not be fully aware of how much we are each doing or contributing. But we can definitely feel the sparkling, uplifting vibes of this new time and space. We can feel the infusion of happiness and peace, the calm and the quiet of our own sanctuaries.

This is ever so important as the boat is rocked and the turbulence is visible. We’re all seeing this too, and for sensitive souls it’s not easy. Thus the kingdoms we’ve established as our home base will be our mainstay, the place where we regroup and recharge and find solace and joy. These worlds we’ve created are showing us their wonders: beautiful creations we weren’t sure when we would see. Each is creating from their own heart consciousness, from the love they have tended and expanded and are now sharing.

We continue to grow and expand the New Earth we are creating. And we are enjoying the surprises it brings. Our slightest wishes come into being, the gifts of our years of dedicated focus and hard work weeding our past. We now shine.

We’re soaking in the light of Source and realizing we are finally coming home.

Every few months I get a letter from my power company congratulating me on being a low user of power. I don’t feel like my habits have changed. What has changed is my investment in the old systems. They no longer interest me, and the primary power I am using now is the divine power available to create. This is the foundation of our New Earth. This is how we bring our New Earth into being. This incredible heart consciousness power is our path to our whole new lit-up reality. Here we are, soaking in the light of Source and realizing we are finally coming home to who we are after all these years and an unbelievable journey. We have learned to love, and one of the gifts now is the love that is being shared back.

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