Soaking in the Light
We’ve put so much of the New Earth in place that we are now creating a large part of our daily experience without even trying. […]
We’ve put so much of the New Earth in place that we are now creating a large part of our daily experience without even trying. […]
No matter what arises, we continue to turn our focus to the light. We know where we are headed, so in spite of what is […]
These energies just get stronger and stronger, and we are seeing more separation from all things old as we move into everything new. In the […]
The past week has been interesting. There were a couple days of not being able to do much followed by a day of easily completing […]
As we steep in these intense incoming energies, one thing is definitely changing. The intuitive input and guidance is growing very strong, so strong that […]
As we move into our new experience we are making it our own. We’re in a beautiful process of purification. We are being shown any […]
Can these energies get any stronger? And yet we are definitely integrating them quickly now and moving into increasingly higher frequencies, and seeing our base […]
We have entered a period of acceleration. If you are having trouble staying awake during the day or needing more sleep, that is why. We […]
Has anyone been feeling like they are dragging? The fatigue this past week has been intense. A friend called and said she was having problems […]
Are the Bad Guys Coming to the New Earth? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are […]