The very first group to ever make contact with me was mysterious. This was 25 years ago. They psychically appeared one day and let me know only that they were working for world peace, healing the whole world, and there was a large group of them, and many were in human form. I was just beginning my journey and finding my way in the world of energy, and all of it was new. I called them X, because they didn’t wish to reveal who they were.

They have been working behind the scenes ever since, and every now and then I would see that they were there. I was communicating with other beings and going thru my process of evolution. There was so much to learn and take in.

This group has just reappeared with a deeply felt message. It has happened. Our goal has been achieved. And they are communicating this message to us thru our heart centers. In other words, it’s being delivered as energy. Close your eyes and feel it in your being. The message is being delivered to all who are here to move into our new experience. The light in the heart is being activated, the light that knows what to do. And this light is growing. I saw this a few days ago in someone I know, who told me she was feeling strange. Her crown was all tingly and she was somewhat dizzy. I saw the light being lit up in her heart and opening her heart to all that is.

This brings me tears of joy. It is so long awaited and we have worked so diligently to get to this place, all of us doing what we were guided to do, having faith as we forged a path into the unknown.

We have worked so diligently to get to this place, all of us doing what we were guided to do, having faith as we forged a path into the unknown.

Over the years we’ve lost friends, were considered “woo-woo,” and had ideas that didn’t jibe with most of the people we knew. But we continued on. Our faith carried us like a seed in the wind to the places we could put down roots and come into bloom.

And here we are, blooming, being illuminated by our beautiful divinity, and spreading our light.

A new neighbor bought my first novel, Dance of the Jaguar, this past weekend, and he said he was looking forward to reading it. It’s a story about a woman whose life changes when she embarks on a spiritual journey to discover her own power, and she learns to fly. He took the book home, put it on the kitchen counter, and his wife picked it up while she was making dinner. She told me the next day, “I was just going to flip thru it. I didn’t expect to get hooked. But I did. I love this book. I flew as a kid in my dreams all the time.” Another person is waking up. And another. And another.

We are now seeing the birth of a new time, as many move into the newness, the magic, and the fruition of our return to wholeness. As the group I call X just said, It has happened. Our goal has been achieved. We’re going to see many changes now, as a planet, as a people, as part of the One.

Source: Read More