Hi Everyone,

I have really been tuning my tuner lately! Of all the unexpected joys, I had so much fun making a coloring book that I put myself in a vibration high enough to be positively bombarded with more ideas than I can accomplish in a year! I’ve got other fun projects in the works, fun little things that I will let you know about as I get them done. It may take time, but I’m enjoying the journey and loving the creative process.

I got so involved in creativity that I wondered if and when I would get my tax info to my accountant. That isn’t my favorite job! Every year, however, I tune into the desired outcome. “What would it feel like to wake up one weekend and want to do my taxes?” Thoughts start arriving in response. “I do like being organized. I like order. I like having my files all closed up for the previous year. I like knowing where I stand. I like my accountant.” I go on like this a bit, let it go, and like clockwork, I wake up one weekend enthused and ready to go.

Usually, I complete the task after three days of locking myself in my office and focusing intensely. This year, without thinking about it, I manifested a much more fun experience. I was energized on the tax task for 12 hours when I suddenly wanted to play around with AI image generation. I’m teaching myself “prompt-crafting,” which in plain English means I’m learning to think like a machine and give it words in the hopes that it will generate images I have in mind. I have laughed myself silly in the process. Sometimes it gets things right, and other times you get really odd images like “Christmas reindeer” made of crocheted ugly green sweaters or “beautiful angels” with wings coming out of their heads! My inner geek is having a heyday with my inner artist, and I’ve been enjoying loads of late-night fun.

So on Saturday, I did taxes. Sunday, the computer and I made over 2000 attempts and finally produced some beautiful images. Monday, I did taxes. Tuesday after work, I finished the newsletter and completed a little children’s story I hope to release if I get proper permission for the character that popped into my head. Wednesday, I did more taxes after work, and on it went.

There was no logic to this order of events according to human reason, but my spirit was having a blast! i got more done in less time with more fun than ever before. This flow, grace, and ease, which I had been intending, all came from the seemingly illogical but super-fun project of making a mandala coloring book! Talk about spirit-logic being different from our own! I would have never imagined all this.

Even more important to me, this energy and flow are allowing me to help loved ones going through some really tough challenges. I get to help my clients with a happy heart, make time for friends, and enjoy more creativity – all due to a silly but fun coloring book. I desired. I wanted an outlet for my creativity, to offer something more to help others enjoy light-hearted fun while promoting good vibes. I wanted to experience greater flow and ease in my daily life. I believed. I knew spirit could figure it out even if I had no clue. I got receptive.I wondered what it would feel like if all that was accomplished and tuned into those good feelings often. I expected a fantastic solution and ideas to appear. I looked forward to the unfolding of my desires.

So when you ask for something in your life, give up trying to figure out how, when, who, and what. Stop micro-managing the universe and just start to dream. Fantasize. Imagine. Tune into the feeling you want. And then enjoy your day. Focus on what IS good. Focus on what feels better. Nip the weeds of doubt before they sprout and grow bad seeds.

Whether you feel like a surfer riding the waves of goodness or like someone who fell off the board and is being buffeted by the waves, you can always redirect your life. Desire. Believe. Receive by attuning to the good feelings associated with what you desire. Like a surfer getting back on the board and waiting for the next wave of opportunity to ride, you can re-align yourself with universal assistance and wait for your next wave.

After working with angels for so many years, I know how loved and supported we all are. I can feel when I’m in a receptive mode because I expect the outcome and don’t need to worry about when or how it comes about. Sometimes I catch myself in impatience, which is just doubt wearing a mask! Sometimes I see myself wavering in my reception. We’re all working on learning this 5D understanding of reality. Still, in those times when you genuinely desire, believe, and become receptive, you will feel a flow of love and grace – no matter the circumstances around you – that is almost unimaginable.

You deserve this. We all do.

Here are a few tips to help you believe and receive:

1. Look for evidence that people succeed even if they start without “necessary” resources

One of the biggest killers to desiring, believing, and receiving is our tendency to think we must have the resources we feel we need to get what we want.

Many of us learned to believe that if we didn’t know how to do something or how to learn, we couldn’t do it. We learned that we had to wait if we needed more money or access to capital. We watched others give up on their dreams because they didn’t have “enough time” or “enough support.” These lack-based beliefs still feel very real to many and thus become a significant obstacle to desiring, believing, and receiving.

Happily, many people, especially the younger generations, are longer buying into these beliefs. Thousands of younger people are making money without resources and prior knowledge in their new fields. They’re making time to do what they want despite raising young families. “Progress, not perfection” is a new mantra for this amazing group. They’re figuring out how to do things that they didn’t even know how to learn! They are tossing out the old “no pain / no gain,” mentality in favor of the “want to / can do” mentality. Good riddance old beliefs! Welcome better ones!

The universe does not follow our rules about necessary resources. I don’t have extra time until I get so passionate about something I don’t need much sleep. I don’t have extra money until I need it, and something weird happens, and resources flow into my life. I don’t know how to figure out many things, but somehow the angels manage to get a phrase to google into my head, or people who already know what I need find their way into my life!

We need to stop telling the Divine what it can’t do so we CAN desire, believe, and receive.

2. Ask yourself, “Why not me?”

Go to thesecret.tv story page and search for a category you are interested in manifesting –  like love, health, good skin, whatever! Read the inspiring stories of how others have manifested what you want and then as yourself, “Why not me?”

There is only one answer. The ones who got what they wanted dared to desire, chose to believe and got receptive through various means. That’s it. The universe is impartial. Why not you?

3. Keep Calibrating your Tuner so you can keep being Receptive

Keep paying attention to your feelings. When you feel generally good, you’re tuned into every good desire you have! Talk about how good you feel. Focus on how good you feel. Think about all that is good. Go over and over it. Ride the waves of goodness when you’re in that space.

You’re slowing down all your manifestations when you feel bad (angry, frustrated, sad). Soothe and comfort yourself first. Take baby steps and look for little things to feel good about. It may take time, but you can turn your tuner back to better feelings. Be easy on yourself, and whatever you don’t criticize yourself. You’re always doing your best. Sometimes just being kind to yourself can turn things around.

When you feel generally good but have one manifestation that you doubt or can’t get receptive to, just focus on feeling good. That always elevates your vibe and raises you above fear and doubt.

The more you pay attention to your feelings and readjust them, the more receptive you are to all you desire. I think of those old-fashioned radios (like the one I thought was SO advanced in high school!) You’d tune to a station but if the dial got loose, it would release itself to the static around the station. you’d have to tune back in periodically! We’re not much different!

It sounds too simple. Desire is usually pretty easy. Believing we are as loved and supported as we are is sometimes a stretch. Remind yourself often. “I am insanely loved whether I’ve earned it or not.”

Last but not least, learning to receive as a radio would receive a signal, by broadcasting the frequency and being receptive to the response is a 5D skill we’re all learning. Don’t get discouraged. Keep tuning into what feels better, soothing, kind, and wonderful. Look for reasons to feel good and do your best to focus only as much as necessary on what doesn’t.

We’re not “good” or “bad,” “better” or “worse” for doing these things. We just give ourselves a much better experience of life, love, and the things we desire to create. And, as the angels remind me often, Happier people make a happier world.

The post Believing, Receiving, and Enjoying a Crazy fun flow first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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