We have been in these intense energies for some time now, and Thursday night was very intense. We’ve known for some time that at some point 3D people would be impacted by what’s taking place, because the old world is going away. Many of us have been going thru this process for years, clearing the old and embodying this host of new light in order to create our whole new experience. We’ve been releasing the old world in order to be in the new energy and have new experiences as we begin to live in the New Earth. We’ve adapted to the intensity and we recognize what’s taking place.

Thursday night, with the intensity I was feeling, I sensed: something’s going to give. And the next morning I had a phone call from a 3D neighbor who has had no interest in any of this, so I haven’t talked about it. But Friday morning, suddenly, she was in a state. She wanted to know what was going on. She felt like she was falling apart. She was anxious and fearful. She recently began to change her diet and incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables, and so she’s been going thru some detoxification. And she’s wanting to change. She said she wants to stop being hard on herself. On her own she stopped watching the news. She decided to take up meditation. She was sharing all this stuff with me, and she was concerned because a lot of fear and anxiety had come up. We talked just a few minutes and I gave her a brief explanation of what’s taking place. Surprisingly, she said, “That makes sense. No wonder I’m feeling like this.” And I encouraged her to look for some guided meditation on the Internet.

I feel we will now be seeing more who are reaching this state and wanting to know what they can do. It’s up to us how much time to spend with them. We can certainly share tips and pointers and information that will help. But, truly, we have moved into the new energy and it’s our choice now what we want to do, because we’ve moved on to our new missions. I suggested she find some tools she can use when she feels stressed, and to spend time doing what she enjoys. Each person will have to navigate and manage their awakening process. And there is much information available on the Internet as people share their experiences and intel. Those of us who’ve moved into the new energies may find that we have left the old energies behind and don’t have much to say about them. Again, it’s up to each of us how we want to help and what we want to share, because there is so much available.

We are working now with anchoring all these new energies and being in our new spaces and holding that energy so that we can enjoy it.

We are working now with anchoring all these new energies and being in our new spaces and holding that energy so that we can enjoy it. Some of us have shared a great deal over the last few years and may now feel like we are moving beyond that.

But it was interesting to hear that she is beginning to go thru an experience similar to what many of us have already gone thru. And perhaps the process will be faster. We will have to see how it goes. It’s good to see new choices being made and openness to change being expressed.

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