Hi Everyone,

In college, I loved to dance at the dorm parties on weekends!  I loved the music and the motion. I loved the feeling of being alive and the vibrancy of the music. But there was just one thing I didn’t love, and that was drinking! I had no judgment about it. It just never appealed. I wanted to dance. I didn’t want to drink, and so there I was, stone-sober dancing with kids who were dead drunk, as the saying goes! We each had our own truth about what it took to have fun, and we all had a great time!

So often in life, our “truths” don’t match other’s “truths.” It need not cause arguments. The more you accept your own “truths,” the less you need to engage in fight or flight when others insist on theirs.

We even change our own “truths” over time! Ten years ago, if you offered me a dip in ice water, I would have stared at you as if you had horns! Now I crave it! Three minutes in a freezing tub of water is instant bliss and meditation for me now. That certainly isn’t everyone’s truth!

As the younger people like to say, “You do you boo. Let me be me.” Love that.

These days, we are bombarded with information from the news, social media, advertisements, infomercials, expert opinions, influencer advice, etc. If you post a question on social media, you’ll get a variety of answers. It is easy to get confused about what is right for you if you stay in your head. It is easy to get sucked into others desires for you, especially if you’re a sensitive or empathic person.

However, the angels have taught me that the more I take care of myself, and the more often I take a few moments in silence to breathe and check in with my feelings, the more easily I’ll calibrate to my own truth in a given situation.

The angels’ dietary example had me laughing! I tend to eat more through the holidays. I allow myself to gain a little weight every year, knowing it’ll drop off in the new year. Typically, I crave healthier foods in January and want to get in motion. This year, I did not. The pounds went on and stayed through the spring. It didn’t phase me until early June when, all of a sudden, I wanted my regular body back. So I sat and breathed and got in touch with my unconventional truth. I decided to think myself thin until I naturally craved a healthier diet. I intended to be inspired to move in ways that made me happy.

I took a few minutes a day to recall feeling light and great in my body, and soon, without trying to make myself, I started to crave delicious and lighter foods. I began to get back into the ice baths and naturally, without thinking, started getting up from the computer and dancing around here and there. And without any real diet or exercise plan the weight started coming off. I didn’t even notice until my now-stretched shorts became too large to wear. I started doing my cold plunges again, and without any struggle at all my body is recalibrating. What you believe, you can receive!

Years ago, when I was on crutches, it wasn’t easy to clean house, so I got creative. My truth was that I wanted “anti-static dust fairies” to keep the dust off my furniture! I got playful, talked to these made-up energies, and thanked them for their service. As crazy as it sounds, dust stopped accumulating on my furniture, and to this day, I have less than normal.  I made up that belief, and the energy conformed to my “truth.”  Hilarious! What you believe you can receive!

Here are a few pointers to help you discern your own truths and live by them without having to defend them, or insist that others agree!

1.  Take a little quiet time regularly to get to know yourself

It is difficult to discern your truth from mental analysis alone. Your brain is packed with truths that the world has presented you throughout your lifetime. You can easily get confused trying to “figure out” what is right. You can make a case for or against anything if you think about it long enough.  It is far more revealing to take a few moments in silence, breathe deeply, and ask yourself, “What resonates with me? What feels natural to me? What do I really want?”

I do a little exercise that is like trying on clothes, but it is trying on “truths” instead! I imagine doing something one way, or making one choice, or think of one opinion, and pay attention to how I feel. Then I imagine a different choice, or a different way and see how I feel. In this way I explore various options or beliefs to see which one feels most natural and resonant with me. It saves me a lot of time I used to spend agonizing over my choices!

2. When you’re in a mind-swirl, distract yourself!

It is nearly impossible to “feel” your own truth when your mind is swirling with choices, doubts, upsets, mor fears. In these cases, distract! Do something that feels better. Go nap. Eat a good meal. Talk with a friend. Pet your dog. Do anything that helps you find peace and soothing first, then check back with your feelings. It is never productive to try to find your truth when swimming in a sea of mental confusion! Far better to distract and find some calm now so you can feel your heart later.

3. Spend less time worrying about others’ truths and more time concerned about your own.

People often ask the angels if someone in their life is being honest. The angels sometimes respond yes or no directly because there are clear cases when people are skewing the facts. Far more often, they say something like, “Well, in their mind, they are honest!”  After twenty-plus years of working with a huge variety of people, I’ve seen this time and gain. People have their unique view of the truth that is their truth, although it may not be factual. It may not be your truth.

For example, I did a session for a person years ago who was terrified about running out of money. With respect and kindness, the angels told this individual that they didn’t ever see them running out. Sobbing, this dear soul replied that “they only had enough to last for seventeen years.” Someone around this person at the time might easily have said, “They’re lying! They have more than enough.” But the angels would lovingly point out, that, given their conditioning—that one should have enough to live on by a certain age—they were telling their truth. In fact, the “truths” others had insisted on around them had become their own. upon them had become their own.  Happily we worked into a better truth so that fear did not become reality.

The “truth” of a given situation depends on where you’re standing, how you’re observing, and what you’ve adopted as true over the course of a lifetime. You may have heard the story about blind men standing around an elephant. The one near the leg says, “I think it is a tree.” The one near the trunk says, “It is a large hose.” The one near the tail says, “It is a rope.” Each one has a different truth about this elephant, and of course, there is a larger reality.

Right now, there are a lot of “truths” (and I say that loosely!) flying around the political arena.  Far better to ask, “What is my truth? What resonates with me? What feels intuitively right to me?” The soul always has the discernment to sort fact from fiction and guide you on the best path for yourself. Trust that.


Trust the perspectives, points of view, and truths that come naturally and organically within you.  This sort of living frees up tremendous amounts of energy and greatly reduces frustrations. The Divine lives within us each, urging roses to be roses, tulips to be tulips, and you to be true to yourself! The more you do so, the more you easily can feel what is true for you. Funny enough, you will also more easily intuit the deeper truths of life situations, others’ motivations, and what you need to live a more grace-filled and enjoyable life!

Have a blessed week,

The post Your truth is most important first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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