Where All Your True Power Is ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We do love you so very much, and we encourage you to love yourselves just as much as we love you. One of the ways you can do that is by feeling for the love that we are offering to you at all times. Now, if you prefer to feel for the love coming from an archangel, an ascended master, an extra-terrestrial group, your higher self, or your oversoul, go right ahead. You can also, of course, always feel for the love of Source.

And in feeling for that love, you will know that you are not only lovable, but that you align with that love. The reason love feels so good is because you are love. And if you are in fact love, then it must be easy to love yourselves. Now, why would it ever not be easy to love yourselves? Good question. We want you to know that you all start out loving yourselves, and it is only because others have stopped loving themselves that you begin to not love yourselves so fully and completely as you do when you are first born into your bodies. 

Therefore, it’s not your fault, it never was your fault, and it does not mean that you have done something wrong. You were in fact created to exist in this environment where the lack of love is sometimes quite evident. And through the love that you feel, you are meant to be guided back to who and what you really are. This is why it is so important for you to do what you love, to love who you love, to listen to the music you love, and so on and so on.

Now, you do not need to compare yourselves to others, and you do not need to compare what you love to what someone else loves. Therefore, you do not need to convince anyone else to love what you love in order to convince yourselves that what you love is in fact right to be loved. This is another area where you can get tripped up. If someone else starts to diminish or judge in a negative way what you love, you can call into question the lovability of what you have been placing your focus on, and that can be confusing. Again, that’s not your fault.

Once you recognize that you are lovable and that it is perfectly appropriate for you to love what you love and who you love, then you can let everyone else go about their business, and you can take what they say with a grain of salt. You don’t have to allow what anyone else says to influence you out of your alignment. When you are in that space of love, you are in alignment with Source, and when you are in alignment with Source, you can do anything, you can become anything, you can attain anything, and you can know yourselves as the all-powerful being that you truly are.

Step into love like you would a warm bath. Luxuriate in it. Appreciate the opportunity to feel it, and if you have trouble accessing love, then go for something easier like peace, like contentment. Know that your guides and your higher selves are bringing more to you for you to love and that you don’t have to make it a long pilgrimage to finding something for you to inspire that love feeling inside of you. Just relax and trust that we are all being guided home to Source, which is the Source of love and which is love. 

And as you partake in these simple steps, you will find that you have mastered life on Earth. And when something is throwing you out of alignment with the love that you are, know that the ability to focus your way back into that state of being of love is always with you, and no one and nothing can take it away from you. And it is true power, and it is the power that everyone truly seeks, whether they know it or not.    

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

8-8-8 Lions Gate Group Healing Event w/Reiki, Light Language & Sound Healing – Aug. 8th

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The post Where All Your True Power Is ∞The Creators appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.

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