Those Who Are About to Awaken & Their Teachers ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We love looking out for you and looking after you. It brings us so much joy and such a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction, especially when we see you crossing a threshold, moving beyond something that has been a sticking point for you individually or as a collective. We sit now and observe you at one of those points of evolution, and we are quite proud indeed to play our part in assisting you. We know that many of you have felt this next level of your consciousness in the air, so to speak, and we know that some of you are beginning to acclimate to this heightened awareness that you have.

It is important for you to always acknowledge the strides forward that you make when you make them. Humanity has passed many tipping points along the way of this journey to the fifth dimension, and whenever you do, there are some of you who recognize it and step into more of your power as a result. This is a time for you to be more excited about what you can contribute now to the collective consciousness because of the readiness that there is amongst those who are about to awaken.

You who are awake recognize someone when they are newly awake, and you can see them going through a lot of the stages and steps that you did at one time. But the ones who are about to awaken are harder to pinpoint, and yet they are there and they are ready to hear from those of you who are both spiritual and grounded. They have perhaps encountered other spiritually awakened people in the past who have been a bit too out there, a bit too airy fairy. 

And those of you who have been awake for quite some time have been able to integrate your awakened consciousness into the physical reality in which you dwell, and it shows. You have been able to live there on Earth with all of that knowledge that you have and without continuously trying to escape from the planet or escape your responsibilities as a human being. And those who are about to awaken can sense that in you. They can sense your vibration first and foremost, and they recognize you as teachers, as healers, and as guides, and they will seek you out and they will find you, and they will benefit greatly from what you have to share with them.

And those of you who have not recognized yourselves as thought leaders will be starting that process of recognition at this time of a great shift within humanity’s consciousness, and it will continue throughout the rest of 2024. And more and more people will be awakening, and finding the best possible teachers for them, and we are speaking to some of you right now. 

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

8-8-8 Lions Gate Group Healing Event w/Reiki, Light Language & Sound Healing – Aug. 8th

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The post Those Who Are About to Awaken & Their Teachers ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.

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