Great freedom comes when we finally know ourselves. When we know who we are, we are no longer looking to others to tell us. We can see ourselves, and this reflection arrives when we have cleared what was not us, and then all the light that we have taken on provides our new reflection.

We come home to ourselves. We become able to see our light and our goodness. We connect with our power as creators of the new experience.

We are experiencing resets now, where our whole system is upgraded. We have had these in our lives and you may be aware of when it has happened to you—when you had an important vision, when you moved past fear that was holding you back, when you experienced a shift and felt very different. These move us to a new level. These resets are becoming frequent, and you will notice the changes they are creating in you and around you.

We are no longer a part of the old world. We are still interacting with those in it, but our new world is where we live now, and we’re aware of creating it. The parts that we’ve put in place function automatically now and we continue to add to this expansive and special new world. Here are some of the things we are noticing.

1. The things we picture, even casually, come effortlessly into being. We’re seeing this repeatedly throughout the day.
2. Our bodies continue their healing process as we move into wholeness and balance.
3. We’re experiencing the flow of the new coming in, keeping us in a higher frequency.
4. We are no longer upset by things that used to upset us. We’re no longer focused on trying to fix things that aren’t working. Our focus has shifted to our New Earth.
5. We realize that others are on their own journey, and it’s not up to us to help them.
6. We’re noticing that we are out of sync with those who are choosing to stay in the old world. Our beliefs are now very different from theirs.
7. We’re seeing beauty all around us. We’re noticing things we’ve never noticed before. We’re seeing things in new ways. Our awareness has shifted.
8. We no longer feel needy. There is a sense of completion.
9. We’re contributing to the good of all and making the world better.
10. We’re feeling more vibrant and connected. We’re seeing and experiencing our guidance and knowing.

We’re seeing beauty all around us. And we’re seeing things in new ways.

As we move into alignment, we are no longer betraying our Self by trying to be someone we’re not. We begin to choose happiness and peace. As we embody the new energies, we begin holding the frequency of love. And then we emit this frequency. Anger and judgment disappear. We’re seeing our evolution.

This fast pace will continue as these current resets create more and more distance between us and everything old. But we are more than ready now to leave that old world behind. This is the time we’ve long known was coming, and we are starting to see just how remarkable this new world is.

Source: Read More