The Massive Energies on Earth & How to Acclimate to Them ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We are noticing how many energies there are floating around in your atmosphere, and we are also aware of those of you who are sensitive to energies. We notice you having a challenging time sleeping or needing more sleep, and we recognize that some of you do not allow yourselves to rest enough, to relax enough, and to allow in the energies that are upon you. We want you to know that there is a significance to how hydrated you are in regards to how much of these energies you can ground into your bodies, and we also want you to know that there are other ways that you have of acclimating to higher-frequency energies.

Get yourselves out in nature more, submerge yourselves in water more frequently, and give yourselves plenty of time to meditate, to reflect, to enjoy life. You have created your life not just as an opportunity for you to grow, but also as an opportunity for you to experience love and joy. So we recommend that you do what you love and enjoy what you’re doing as best you can if you’re not doing something that you love. You also want to pay more attention to those inner nudges, those impulses. You want to follow your heart so that you’re in the right place at the right time to receive and embody the energies that are available to you. 

Now, as you acclimate to the energies that are upon you, you will then have the opportunity to receive more, and you can even get more specific about which types of energies you want to receive and why. Perhaps you want some inspired ideas for something that you are working on, or perhaps you want to access past life information or more of your spiritual gifts. Work with these energies that are upon you, know that they are all around you and that the vast majority of energies that are present on Earth right now are positive. They are higher vibrational. They are integrative. 

You don’t have anything to fear by opening yourselves up to what is available to you because you are already operating at a higher frequency. You are swimming in a sea of helpful energies that are there to move you to the next level of your consciousness, and those of you who are receiving this message are also ready to receive the higher-frequency energies, but you just sometimes need that reminder that they are out there and they are available. And there will be more energies to come for all, regardless of whether they are opening up now or will open up later to receive them. That which is old and worn out, that which is no longer serving you is going away. You are rising above it. 

Those energies are having their own journey as well, and will be able to know themselves as more of who they really are as that love of Source. And so, give yourselves at least one opportunity per day to relax into the energies that are upon you and to receive them so that they can be assimilated and so that you can use them to create whatever it is you want to create there on your beautiful world. 

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

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