The Lions Gate Energies Are Here…Now E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are looking forward to seeing what humanity does with these Lions Gate energies, as we know that so many of you are very interested in extra-terrestrial contact for yourselves as individuals. We also understand that there are many ways to have a first contact experience for you. Daniel has his own story of how it first occurred for him, and perhaps many of you have heard that story. There are experiences that you can have with e.t.s that ready you for the physical face-to-face contact that we know you all desire. 

Using the energies of the Lions Gate, you can open up your own personal portals and receive more psychic, telepathic communication. You can slip more easily into the channeling state. You can receive more of the love and the downloads, the activations and upgrades coming from your own galactic teams. You can begin expressing in ways that you’ve never expressed before, such as through artistic expression, through music, song, dance. 

There are so many ways in which the energies of the galaxy can flow to you and through you, and we suggest that you think about all of them in relationship to what you want for a contact experience. Remember that UFO sightings, or UAP sightings, are also types of contact experiences and that those ships in the sky know when you are looking at them. The beings on board those ships are registering your responses to them as well. All e.t. beings are contemplating at this time humanity’s readiness for contact as a collective, and they are also registering your readiness as an individual for a contact experience.

And if you are thinking very logically and practically about your face-to-face physical encounter and wondering how the ship would land given the amount of space you have around you, let go of those ideas. The e.t. beings can also utilize these portals to come to you in their physical bodies, and do not need to land a spaceship. They have so many technologies to assist them in contacting you, and many of you have been onboard ships yourselves. One of the other tricks that you can now employ to bring about a contact experience that you can remember is to see if you can remember the contact experiences that you have already had but have forgotten.

Remember that a lot of the energies that you experience in a contact moment will be too much for the body and/or the mind, and that is the reason for the forgetting. It is not because they do not wish you to remember, and it’s not because some agency of the government is forcing you to forget either. When you are ready, you will have your contact experience, and these energies of the Lions Gate are helping to expedite that process. Lean into them, feel into them, and experience what you want to experience with your extra-terrestrial friends. 

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

8-8-8 Lions Gate Group Healing Event w/Reiki, Light Language & Sound Healing – Aug. 8th

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