The August Energies & the Conclusion of 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have so much good news for humanity at this time. We are so pleased to announce to you that the August energies that are coming to you are packed with so much knowledge, so much wisdom, and so many beautiful ideas for all of you. These energies are designed to give you greater access to the thoughts of your higher mind. They are to align more with your true selves, your Source Energy selves. And the downloads that you will receive as a result of that alignment will be quite helpful indeed.

Much of what you have been seeking in this lifetime is contained within those downloads. You will be getting more inspired ideas. You will have more positive thoughts available to you. You will get better perspectives on things that you have been seeing through a narrow lens for far too long. You will be able to access more of the impulses that come to you because they will be clear to you in terms of what they are guiding you towards. Those inspired thoughts and ideas lead to inspired words and actions. 

And you can and will create for yourselves a better conclusion to the year of 2024 as a result of these energies coming in to support you in the receiving of that which truly serves you the most. You are there to receive the inspiration and then act on the inspiration so that you can experience the feeling of movement forward. You want to experience the feeling of raising your consciousness and shifting your consciousness. You don’t just want to teleport yourselves to the fifth dimension, even though at times the very human part of you, the ego, truly does want that teleportation to occur.

But you would never rob yourselves of the journey, and the joy of the journey is upon you now as you are making such progress and growing in such leaps and bounds at this point in your spiritual evolution. Therefore, we invite you to expect more of those inspired ideas to come, and we invite you expect the nudges to get clearer as they come to you from within. The intuitive hits will be harder for you to ignore moving forward because of these August 2024 energies that are coming in right now and that will continue to be upon you throughout the month. 

You have the Lions Gate portal of course as well, and that is already open and will continue to open wider and wider. Once you get to the 8th of August, the portal will be at its widest and it will continue to be open until the 12th. All of that helps you to believe in the possibility of what we are saying, and because of the Lions Gate, you will be more likely to sit and to relax, to open up and to receive what is coming to you to serve you, to help you, to assist you on this beautiful journey that you have to the fifth dimension. 

But you are living your lives right now where you are, and you need that help from above. The help is coming, and as you pay attention to those ideas and those intuitive hits, and you follow through with them, you will be living a life that will stand out and that will delight you in so many ways. 

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

8-8-8 Lions Gate Group Healing Event w/Reiki, Light Language & Sound Healing – Aug. 8th

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The post The August Energies & the Conclusion of 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.

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