The 5th-Dimensional Energies Coming In Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extremely happy to give you the following transmission. We know how much you desire to be in the fifth dimension right now, and how exciting it is for you to contemplate the differences between the dimension you’ve been in and the dimension you’re moving towards. We want you to recognize that more fifth-dimensional energies are coming in all the time to play with you, and we invite you to experiment with these energies that are extremely co-creative in nature. First, you want to receive the energies that are coming in and that are fifth-dimensional in frequency. You want to recognize that they feel nonphysical to you because they are existing in many ways outside of your current dimension.

However, just like you can lower your frequency for a time and be in a pit of despair, these fifth-dimensional energies can lower their vibration enough to be perceivable by you. And as you perceive them, you begin to rise up to meet them. You therefore can be straddling the fourth and fifth dimensions at the same time and working with these fifth-dimensional energies to co-create a better version of the fourth dimension, one that is more blended with higher-frequency energies.

As you do this, you are going to feel yourself becoming your higher self, and you are going to feel as though you are occupying your light body for the time in which you commune with these fifth-dimensional energies. The reason why more fifth-dimensional energies are descending upon you at this time is because you are being prepared for more. You are being prepared for more channeling experiences, more access to your other spiritual gifts and to extra-terrestrial contact. 

You are always being prepared for the completion of the shift, and the completion of the shift has a lot to do with your ability to sustain higher-frequency energies within your fields and your bodies. Therefore, raise your vibration because you like the way you feel when you’re in a higher-vibrational state. But also raise your vibration because you want to experience what the fifth dimension is like right now. You want to allow in all that is higher vibrational. 

You are going through many transformations at this time, and those of you who are a part of The Awakened Collective go through them more consciously. You know what to do with these energies intuitively, and you have a lot that you would like to create and manifest in the fourth dimension to help you and your fellow humans along on the journey. This is the time to be more receptive, to be in the Divine Feminine essence that every single one of you has, so that you can receive more and access more.

And what you are co-creating is a pathway to the fifth dimension that will serve you and everyone else. You are there to be the wayshowers, to be the leaders and the teachers that you were born to be, and experiencing something yourself first is the ultimate way for you to become that teacher, that wayshower, and that leader that you truly are. Allow in these fifth-dimensional energies, and let them transform you. Let yourselves be the receivers that all of you and your fellow humans have been asking for. You deserve it.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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