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St. Germain Is Among Us All Right Now ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I am amongst you right now. Energetically speaking, I have never left planet Earth. Consciousness-wise, I have left so much behind, and because my energy is being channeled right now, I am with you. You all need to acknowledge at some point that any feeling of separation that you have is a choice. You can choose to feel alone and lonely, or you can choose to feel surrounded by higher-dimensional beings, by love, by acceptance, by healing, by forgiveness, by compassion, by everything that is being sent to you at all times.

You who are awake know that you have a choice, and not everyone does. And so when you find yourself in a moment of feeling alone, lonely, or separate, remember that you created that experience so that you could move from it to the place of feeling inclusion, love, and connection, and know that you put yourself in that position to be able to make that journey so that you could teach others how to do it as well. You are wayshowers, and you are teachers, and you are there to bring about this shift in consciousness, which is all about moving from the egoic way of looking at self, others, life, Source, and the galaxy and universe to the higher self’s way.

And you know by now the higher self’s way is acknowledging oneness, interconnectedness, unity consciousness, and the presence of Source everywhere in everything and the inescapability of Source. You are there to demonstrate that to others in the ways that you act, think, and speak as well, and if you have a favorite, archangel, ascended master, e.t. group, spirit guide, or ancestor, call upon them and feel for their presence so that you can walk amongst your fellow humans not feeling alone, even though you may be walking by yourself in any particular moment of your life.

Demonstrate through your example what it feels like and what it looks like to be connected at all times, to feel supported, loved, looked after, and guided, because you are and because you know you are. Not everyone does. Remember that. You, as awakened humans, are unique, and when you remind yourselves of these truths and you demonstrate them to others, you fulfill your purpose for being there and being awake. And isn’t that what you all want?

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

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The post St. Germain Is Among Us All Right Now ∞St. Germain appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.

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