Shifts & Changes Are About to Come for Humanity ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. 

We love monitoring your progress there on Earth, and we know that you enjoy receiving progress reports because you tend to doubt yourselves and question whether humanity is headed in the right direction. You think about wars and artificial intelligence and the collapse of currencies all the time, and wonder how humanity is going to make it. We want to tell you that you already have made it and that you are in the midst now of witnessing the shift in consciousness. This is what it looks like. It’s not all rainbows, fairy dust and unicorns. You do need to look at what you’ve been creating in order to move past it, and you need to look at it in a new way. 

And so, instead of looking at what is happening on Earth right now as a sign of the coming apocalypse, you can see it as a shedding of the skin of the third-dimensional human collective, because that’s what it is. You need to let go of your fears, and you need time to do it. You will continue to shed that skin and release those fears, and you will need to do it more rapidly because you are headed for big changes and you need to have everything in order to be able to handle the energies of the shifts and changes that are to come for humanity.

We are of course talking about the first contact experience, the changing of all of your various systems, and the completion of the shift in consciousness. These are not just things that happen to you and that you experience passively. You are meant to participate in them, and as the ones who are awake, you can start by removing your fears and your doubts about what is to come of humankind. You can instead focus like a laser beam on the reality that we and others have been telling you about. 

It is a reality where everyone has more than enough and where there is peace on Earth. It is a reality where e.t.s walk amongst you, and you get to travel throughout space, throughout this galaxy of ours. It is a reality of joy, love, freedom, excitement, creativity, and all of the other experiences that you’ve wanted to have there on Earth but have felt were just out of reach. You are closing the books on the third dimension, which has been a pretty messy experience for humanity, and as you clean up the mess, you will find that there is great satisfaction that you can take in being the custodians, in being those who take responsibility for humanity’s actions.

And you are, as the awakened ones, capable of doing this while simultaneously creating the experience of the fifth-dimensional Earth. And your place on the 5D Earth is guaranteed. We want you to know that and feel into that, and we also invite you to begin experiencing the 5D Earth now, because it is yours to inherit. 

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

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