I love this season. I say it every year. I love it whether I have “time” or not. Somehow, I make time, even if that means not sleeping much. I want it to slow down. I want to sit and just watch the lights and feel the coziness of a warm glow. I appreciate my food, the treats, and my nightly tea. I give thanks for the gift of loved ones still alive and friends who found their way into my life years ago when I finally decided to be a friend to myself. I enjoy writing the cards and appreciating the countless beautiful souls I’ve had the privilege to meet. Even though I’ve cut way back on getting presents, I still love hunting for little joys that will encourage my nieces’ creativity or help them pursue our interests.
I feel the love in the mass consciousness so much more easily as people think a lot about giving to one another and spending time with each other. It seems that we collectively start to focus a little more on things that truly matter.
I have been weeping with appreciation frequently lately. I don’t know why. Perhaps it is because I’ve spent the last many years looking for the good in life and now I see and feel this love in so many ways. I was outside listening to music the other night when flooded with appreciation for the music, I felt the universe swirling through me. The singer’s voice echoed throughout time, transporting me to other lives. The stars in the night sky, the chill in the air, and the huge full moon seemed exquisitely beautiful.
I watched the people in the audience, also clearly entranced by the moment. Some were roasting marshmallows over open firepits, and some were snuggling up in their winter coats, warming their hands with cups of hot cocoa, laughing and leaning on each other in moments of shared joy. It was so lovely. I shut my eyes and merged into it all. I felt my heart swell with love for all of creation or perhaps with the love of creation, and I wanted to weep with appreciation for the beauty of this life.
We are all guilty of waiting for the “big moments” to be happy. We’ll be happy when we save a certain amount, accomplish some repair, when our body is in perfect condition, or when people in our lives behave kindly. I’ve missed the love in so many moments throughout life while focusing on problems instead of giving the problems to the Divine and returning to my focus on love. Funny – I typo’d at first and wrote “retuning” my focus to love Perhaps it was not a mistake!
Lately, I am focused on love and appreciation of life. I‘m appreciating the presence of loved ones while they are still here. I’m appreciating the simplest of things, like the scent of my lemons, when I reach up and pick one off the tree. Even though I have a few lingering physical things I’m working on, I appreciate the experience of being in this body with my ice baths, warm blankets, or a warm breakfast of leftover Thanksgiving bread stuffing with veggies and eggs. It isn’t the big things in life that make the daily difference, but rather the hundreds of little things that can make or break a day or a human heart.
So whether you celebrate the season or not, no matter where life finds you, be it easy or unthinkably hard, remember, love is there, waiting for us to seek it, see it, and feel it.
Sometimes, it is easy to see—a miraculous lamp in the dark. Sometimes, it hides in humble forms—a child in the hay. Sometimes, it lives in our deepest grief because we would not grieve so deeply if we did not love so much.
Sometimes it is in our little pleasures, like the marshmallows that I bought for my cocoa, which endrf up in my oatmeal for breakfast the other day! (Try making your oatmeal with a little chocolate and marshmallows!). Sometimes this love is in the eyes of those who adore you and shine God’s light upon you. It is all the same love.
Here are a few pointers to help you remember to enjoy the light and love of the season…
1. Savor a tradition or create a new one
This time of year is rich with traditions for some. If that is you, pick one and instead of just going through the motions to check it off a list, enjoy it, savor it, share it with others.
If your old traditions no longer resonate, make up new ones. I used to make over 100 dozen Christmas cookies to share with anyone and everyone in my life—postal workers, delivery folks, you name it. With so many going gluten free and not eating as much sugar, I’ve switched to making salsa instead. It is red and green and healthy, and it spells love to me!
Instead of going gift crazy, friends of mine and I have switched to creating group outings to remember.
I know many who used to hang ornaments for all their kids and who now add the ones for their dear angels in spirit. Whatever we do, we do it for love and that is all that matters. We evolve and change over the years. Some traditions remain. New ones must be born.
Do what makes your heart sing and allow give the grace to find your own personal version of the season’s light.
2. Share one of your joys with others
If I like something I share it. I can’t help myself. Some years it has been a new little kitchen gadget that made my life easier, that found its way into all my friend’s stockings. Sometimes I share a recipe. This year in my cards, I sent out a QR code to one of my many favorite Christmas songs on youtube. you can share your favorite quote on a beautiful card that someone can put in their wallet for inspiration throughout the year.
When we take the time to share something that delights us, be it a moment, a thing, or a thought, we share a little piece of our own beautiful brand of love with another.
3. Light a candle a day
The angels just suggested this as I was typing. Light a candle each day if only for a few moments. As you stare into the flame remind yourself, the light in me, is the light that lives in all things and all beings. Observe that light for a moment. Feel it in your own heart. Then make a wish for yourself, a wish for another, and a wish for the world. Enjoy your day.
How sweet! I will have to try this I love when the pop into my mind and offer their simple gifts.
Wherever your heart is, and wherever you are, I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the present of your presence in my life. When I started this newsletter in October 2001 I had no idea I’d connect with so many amazing lightworkers all over the world.
I am humbled by your grace, light, and the love you all share with the world and one another. We may never meet, but our hearts know the light within, and in that light, we are together, beautiful shining candles and bulbs on the tree of life. I am so grateful for you. Whether you celebrate or not, I wish you the peace, joy, and, above all, love of the season.
The post Seeing the light, being the light first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.
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