Prioritize This Over Everything Else ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you have lots of circumstances, conditions, situations there on Earth that you find to be unpleasant to say the least, and we know that you have to deal with all of that, and we don’t. And as a result, we know that some of what we give you can be considered by you to be easier said than done. So we are acknowledging that with you right now before we begin what we really want to say to you. 

The point that we would like to make with all of you is that nothing is more important than your vibration, and to prioritize your vibration above all else will make you happy. It will put a smile on your face. It will maintain the inner peace that you always want to maintain in spite of whatever is in front of you. The way to prioritize your vibration is to make it the first thing you’re focusing upon as you wake up in the morning. Strategize by tuning in to the vibration that you most want to be in for the vast majority of your day, and then tune in to the chakra where you feel this vibration lies within you and is most easily accessed by you. 

You can flip that switch more easily than you think you can. You can be in a state of being just because you desire to be in that state of being, and you put your attention on feeling the way that you want to feel as you start your day. You are more likely to experience the next thought and the next thought that you think as reflections of that vibration. You are more likely to remind yourselves to be in that vibration throughout your day, no matter what is happening or isn’t happening.

You can also choose at any time to focus on something that you know will make it easier for you to be in that vibration. That’s your free will. Your free will is not just about you choosing to do this or do that, say this or say that. Your free will is about choosing how you want to vibrate and choosing what you put your focus upon. Your focus is easy. You don’t even have to come up with a joyous thought in order to activate the vibration of joy. 

You can simply focus on something that always brings you joy when you focus upon it, and you have so many images in your mind’s eye to choose from, so many images on your computers and phones to choose from. You have so many movies and videos to choose from. And you can imagine scenes in your mind’s eye as well of memories of you being joyous. You don’t have to invent the vibration of joy when you have so much that you can focus upon. 

Now, that being said, why would you ever focus on something that puts you in a state of fear, in a state of lack, in a state of anger or sadness? Sometimes you’re going to feel those emotions and access those vibrations, but you don’t have to choose them. You don’t have to keep choosing them once you realize that when you focus this over here, you feel that hollow, empty feeling inside that you don’t enjoy feeling. 

If you find yourself triggered by something and you’re in one of those lower-vibrational states of being, don’t worry. You can get out of it just by breathing your way through the feeling of it, and then you can go back to activating joy, love, peace, excitement, freedom, or whatever it is you choose to feel in the very next moment. As you make this your priority, you will not only be happy, but you will create the reality you want to experience day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. We promise you this is the case.  

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

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The post Prioritize This Over Everything Else ∞The Creators appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.

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