Are you seeing flashes of light? Are you seeing waves of light move around you? As the incoming light grows stronger, it is becoming more visible. The cosmic current is gaining momentum, within us and around us.

There are two patterns happening now. One, we are sometimes required to take a time out from almost everything, so that we can rest and acclimate to the latest influx of energy. These influxes are enormous now, big waves of energy that wash in and over us. Sometimes all we can do is just be.

Two, so much is taking place now we can barely keep up. Our own experience has grown busy. We’re having much that fills up our day. Someone I know just commented to me that he is spending the rest of October “making space.” He has felt burdened by too many activities. I have days that look fairly empty, where I feel I can get things done that I want to do, and suddenly they are filled with various things that want attention. We are working to find a balance. This is because everything happens in the present. We are finding the present moment to be full and bursting. We are choosing what we want to do. And we are also creating. There is a lot to learn. We are making space for the power of love.

We are making space for the power of love.

We are also being shaken loose from the old. Everything we are not taking with us is being shaken out. We are seeing and being in new ways. We are still having things revealed to us, so be open to revelation. These are our own truths that lead us into more fullness.

Our bodies are continuing to adjust to all this light. We’re having sleep issues, needing to nap, having odd aches and pains. We’re occasionally woozy, our appetite comes and goes. In this most recent intense geomagnetic storm, I wasn’t hungry. As always, we just do our best. Our saving grace is connecting with others and finding that we are not alone in what we are going thru.

We’re seeing many people being triggered. It’s important to be aware and safe. Don’t get caught in the wake of the ones who are triggered. Maintain your focus, your balance and your peaceful perspective.

Remember, the most powerful force in the universe is love, the force that we have been embodying now for some time. I asked, What if we have not perfected this? Here is what came thru. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It only has to be. Use as much as you have. This is your power, your gift, your ability to change the world.

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