The angels worked with me for years, well decades actually, to learn to love myself in all moments, proud and otherwise!  Years ago, I got worked up about a near catastrophe. I focused too much on what “could have” happened, sent myself spiraling into fear, and twisted the ileocecal valve. It was not pleasant to be in a fast flow and jam it up so suddenly!

Within hours, I looked like a walrus and hurt so badly that my only recourse was to slowly walk around the house awake for the next nine days until my body unwound. I didn’t know how to control my thoughts like I do now, but I sure learned how to surrender!  All’s well, of course, and I learned a lot!

In the midst of this, I scheduled a session with a friend who channels. I started out with what I thought a good spiritual teacher would say, “I know I created this, and I’ve seen how, but…”  The angels interrupted me and stopped me in my tracks. “You need to get real right here and right now.”  They were loving but much sterner than usual. They saw the seriousness of the condition and knew I needed to unstuff some emotions asap if I was going to heal. Sugar-coating you-know-what and stuffing my feelings was actually a large part of the problem.  Uncharacteristically, out of my mouth flew, “F-it! I want help NOW!” Tears.  “There you go,” they softened up. “Now we can get your energy moving.” I did receive help.

That was a life-defining moment for me. It taught me so much. I had been stuffing feelings. I had been trying to put on the “fake positive” face while, in reality, I had been terrified of what could have happened.  There had been a fire at the house behind me, and because a client canceled right at the time it started, and I had been inspired to wander into the backyard, I caught it and called 911. The firefighters came and put it out before it started burning the neighborhood down. Everyone else in the houses around was at work.  I handled it well at the time.

When the potential crisis was over, I totally freaked out. I
‘ve been toasted one too many times in past lives, and it triggered every “hot” button I had! Back to the point, I tried to put on the calm and cool, and “oh, it’s all fine” look rather than sitting there and crying, shaking, and feeling my terror.  And all those stuffed feelings jammed up my flow so badly that I ended up with a serious, possibly life-threatening condition in my body. Medical friends kindly told me they almost always put down animals with this condition. Yikes!

The angels showed me the way out. I had to love myself through my feelings. So, while I couldn’t eat, sleep, or sit down, I walked slowly around the house and focused on surrendering to myself. I cried. I hugged myself. I got frustrated. I had compassion for myself. And little by little, my body unwound until the stuck valve opened up, and I started to feel human again.

Now, I choose to offer myself love and compassion through nearly every emotion. If I’m sad, I grab a towel and soak it with my tears, while all the while the observer inside sees the beauty in my emotions. If I’m upset, I joke with the angels, “Get the composter out!” and dump my frustrations into the composting fires of their love. I do hug myself. I do sit, breathe, and receive. Ironically, instead of stewing, steaming, or being sullen, the feelings pass through much more quickly. Then, and only then can I refocus on something, anything that feels better.

The more you can accept and love yourself where you’re at, the less time you spend in lower vibrations, the better your life gets, and the more easily you can focus on things that rev up your vibe.

So next time you’re down, try self-acceptance and see how much more easily you will return to a better and kinder state of being.

Here are a few pointers to help you love and accept yourself when stuck in a lower vibe:

1.  Be kind to the Upset / Sad / Scared child within.

We are rarely in our present-day adult selves when we get stuck in a tough emotion.  It is not unusual to have momentary bursts of anger, sadness, or fear, no matter what your level of evolution. However, when you feel stuck in a lower vibe, it is likely some part of yourself that needs love. The angels shared the following empowering exercise.

Imagine that this upset /sad/scared part is a child within you. Hug yourself and imagine hugging that child. Speak sweetly to yourself and imagine speaking sweetly to that child. Comfort yourself as you would comfort a child.

“It’s perfectly understandable that you’re upset, honey. Let me give you a hug. What would make us feel better?”

Such kindness and compassion for self can work wonders. We can’t always love our present-day selves as easily as we’d love a child. This exercise gives us a means to love the part of ourselves in need of compassion.

2. Get those feelings out in a healthy way

It’s great, if you can, to tune into something that makes you feel better. When you are able, do it! It’ll save you a ton of work as you become stronger in your ability to focus on things and thoughts that inspire better feelings.

However, when you can’t quite get there, dump those unpleasant feelings in a safe and non-invasive way. Don’t aim them at others, of course! Instead, vent to your angels. Journal those feelings. Write a letter to the soul of the person you’re upset with. Then delete, bury, or safely burn those words. You don’t want to keep them. I love the shredder, personally. Watching a page with negative energy turn to compost in 3D feels good.

Other clients of mine have come up with creative ways to move energy and upsets. Some have bought a punching bag and work it out physically. One dear soul years ago said she bought plates at the thrift store that no one would buy, put them in sturdy paper bags, and smashed them!

The angels have suggested people throw water balloons or tennis balls if it makes them feel better. I used to do what I called “vehement vacuuming!” I’d clean house to burn off steam. (I haven’t been that upset in ages, so my housekeeping is more relaxed now!).

The point is: don’t judge yourself. Simply find a healthy way to burn off the excess energy when you can’t easily shift your focus.

3. Practice Shifting Your Focus in Easier Moments

If you can practice looking for things that lift you up or feel good as often as possible, you will develop a habit that will serve you in the tougher times. I thank God the angels have had me practice this because, as I’ve mentioned, in the past few months, two dear friends and a family member have gone through life-saving surgeries while a myriad of other challenges came my way.

After all these years of practice it was not hard to shift to the good and to be in a more powerful space to assist. I’m by no means perfect at shifting but it is now a habit when something knocks me off center to look for something to feel good about.

The more you practice looking for things and t houghts that feel good when it is easy, the easier it will be to find them when life is hard.

It is OK to be human. We don’t have to fake positive. The universe reads energy anyway, and energy doesn’t lie.

Far better to be where you’re at, accept yourself in that moment, and love yourself through it.

It is refreshing to be OK with not being OK in a given moment.

It is freeing to stop trying to be something you’re not at the time.

It is honest, authentic, and incredibly more loving to just be you, accept you, love you, and let your vibe naturally rise as you offer yourself the same love and compassion you’d give another. 

We’re all works in progress, and that is always something to love!

The post Loving yourself through lower vibes first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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