Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry
“Your Deeply Hidden Agenda” was the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for
Dear Ones,
It’s over. You passed through the eye of the needle.
Of course, many of you reading this message will declare such is inaccurate. You awake each morning worried about terrible things that might happen to you or others. Or you awaken with a numb feeling of nothingness – nothing is meaningful or interesting, much less joyful. That all is lost in your former life, and nothing replaces it, especially joy or love.
So, you have difficulties sleeping and are anxious or frightened in your waking hours—similar to how you felt before you knew the results of a complex school test. What you do not yet know is that you aced last week’s transition phase—you acknowledged multiple fears and erased them from your being.
It is over.
Now, decide what you wish to review, address, create, or find. This is a week of exploration despite your fears that all will never be well in your life again and all is lost. This week, you will begin finding your true self, which might be frightening given that what delights you now might not correlate with your previous joys or interests.
Explore, define, accept, and find your joy. A seemingly impossible task for many. You are so used to fear and pain, especially given the past few days of discovering and clearing your hidden fears, that you doubt you can shift rapidly, or in some cases, at all.
Allow yourself to flow into your new discovery mode, which might surprise you given that you no longer need to protect yourself from your hidden fears, nor do you want to follow social dictates. You are a new being with new needs and interests. Similar to how you might explore a large city you have never visited, discovering new interests and ideas.
This week begins your new life without hidden fears or agendas.
Those who wish to remain of 3D will become increasingly strident in their views and actions. Not because they are stronger than those of the light but because they are losing their power as more and more of you slip away into your new world.
Many of you question that last message because you want those of 3D to disappear immediately so that they no longer irritate you or make you fearful and angry.
Those of 3D are losing their power minute by minute as more of you turn your focus from yesterday to tomorrow.
A power-monger or money-grabber cannot function unless beings are available to feed their hunger. You no longer will feel the need or the slightest interest in doing so. And so it begins. Not with a war or declarations of right and wrong, but disinterest with yesterday’s news and antics. It is over – not for you, but for those who relish the power given by 3D societies. Those 3D societies are shrinking, as is the power of those who wish to control them.
Perhaps you will feel slightly disturbed by 3D antics. More importantly, you will find them childish and of little interest—not because those antics are right or wrong but because they are not part of your new inner world.
The 3D power-mongers will fight to the end to maintain their power. The difference between now and historic 3D is that the number of beings acquiescing to that power will be reduced daily until the small core remaining will not be of much interest to anyone other than those remaining of 3D.
It is over.
Play, laugh, love, and ignore the fears prominent in your thoughts the past few weeks as you deleted hidden issues and accepted your new being in this new world. A world that caters to love and joy and ignores old-fashioned power-mongers and those who wish to follow them. So be it. Amen.
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