How to Let Abundance Flow to You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

You have so much evidence around you that tells you that you live in an abundant universe. You have so much evidence showing you that abundance abounds there on planet Earth, and all you have to do is focus on how much abundance there is in order to tap in to more of it. You don’t have to figure out where yours will come from. You don’t have to know what it is you will do in order to receive it, and the reason those statements are true is that you cannot possibly understand with your physical mind all of the avenues that exist for money, abundance, to flow to you.

They simply are. They simply exist, but you cannot fathom all of them. And that is true because your minds are limited in what they can perceive and what they can conceive of. And so, when you focus on abundance, and how much of it there is, you then have to trust in your ability to receive that abundance. When you think of yourself as the human egoic self, then you can say things to yourself like, ‘Well, am I good enough at what I do to receive more?’ And when you ask that type of question, of course, the mind can give you all kinds of answers that will not be to your liking. 

When you think of yourself as your true self, your whole self, your Source Energy Self, that’s when you can see how it is possible for you to receive more abundance just because you exist. Existing as you are is enough. You are a slice of Source Energy. You are a unique aspect of All That Is. You are the only one who can be that expression of Source that you are. And since no one else can be you, that must mean you have intrinsic value to the whole. 

Now, as you slip into the knowing of who you really are, you may get inspired to do something, to call someone, to send a text or an email, and that may lead to an opportunity where you still have to participate in the physical world to receive more abundance, but at other times you are just going to get a windfall of money that is unexpected and comes through no physical action taken whatsoever. Both ways are possibilities for you to receive more abundance. Do not say ‘no’ to either, and do not believe more in one than the other, because you don’t want to shut either of them out. You want to remain open.

As we said before, you cannot possibly fathom of all of the avenues through which money can flow to you, but you do want to make the blanket statement that says, ‘I am open to all of those avenues.’ You do not want to be attached to money only coming to you through a very narrow passageway. You might have in the past wanted it to come to you through a particular avenue because then you would feel validated, because then you would feel that you did a good job. And while you can still receive through that particular avenue, you also want to be open to money flowing to you from so many other sources.

And when you are open, you do receive. And when you do receive, you have more to infuse into the abundance of your economic systems. You want to stay in the flow with the finances that are flowing to you. And so, being willing to put more of it out there into the collective of monies that are out there to utilize by all of you, you open yourselves up then to more. More can flow to you. You are showing more faith in your ability to continue to receive. You want to have confidence in yourselves as those unique aspects of Source that you are, and you want to remain in the flow of abundance that is available to us all, regardless of what form we are in.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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