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Energies of Change & The Awakened Collective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a unique opportunity to help humanity at this time, and that unique opportunity has presented itself to us because of how many of you are ready for change. Now, when you are ready for change, you tend to open yourselves up more to receive the help that is always coming to you. And it is also true that when you are ready for change, you are more likely to then look within yourselves and ask yourselves, ‘How can I change?’ This is a time where it is of the utmost importance that human beings of Earth look to the skies for help from your galactic family members. It is important for you to look to the nonphysical for the support that you have desired to receive from the physical for perhaps this entire lifetime.

And so, now is an opportunity for all of us who have always wanted to help humanity to share more of what we have to share. There will be more teachers stepping up. There will be more channeled entities and collectives coming through because humanity is calling forth that help and summoning those energies of change. The energies of change are already upon you, and you’re not seeing evidence of them yet because it will take time for them to take hold in the consciousness of those who will be able to not only access those energies but also will be able to work with them in very real and tangible ways.

If you think about how much your world has changed since you were born, you will be able to recognize that the changes you want to see can happen quite rapidly. You can acknowledge that when you recognize how many changes have already occurred and how enormous those changes are. Therefore, we invite you all to see yourselves as the ones who are capable of handling the energies of change, and we also invite you to see yourselves as the changemakers. We often refer to you as The Awakened Collective because you are. And as the awakened ones, you have access to the big ideas, the inspired thoughts, the actions that come from a place of inspiration rather than a place of prodding yourself to take an action that you think might get you somewhere.

You see, you are the ones who are tapped in enough to understand the importance of being able to receive energies and morph them into something tangible for your world and your fellow humans to absorb and appreciate. And so, as you make yourselves available to the energies of change and you recognize that you have something to share, you have something to offer your fellow humans, we know that you will, and we have every confidence that the energies we are sending to you right now in this transmission are going to the people that will best be able to receive them and utilize them for the benefit of all of humanity. And, yes, in case you are wondering, we are talking about you, specifically.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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