I do something often that I call “delegating up.” The angels have taught me to give my challenges to God, and I do it often. This may range from playfully singing, “I know you know where they are! I know you know they’re not far,” when I lose my keys—my goofy way of asking for help in finding them—to praying, “Please heal and comfort this person, God. I love them.”  No matter how big or small the request, it is heard.

I’ve been delegating up a lot lately! Forming the LLC was easy, but the process of transferring accounts has been surprisingly challenging. My bank is currently blocking my transfers between new and old accounts, so I couldn’t pay myself to pay off the old charge. I was not thrilled. I started to spin into the “how wrong it is” discussion until I caught myself and realized that wasn’t going to get me a solution.

Late one night, I finally gave it to God. My prayers, which are often eloquent, appreciative, and graceful, were not elegant that night!  They went something like this. “You fix it! I give up!”  I sat in a chair, started to breathe, and opened to receive love. Immediately, the next step was given—contact customer service on Twitter. It was the only avenue I had not tried and one I’d not even considered.

The most delightful customer service rep grasped the issue immediately, set up a call, and transferred me to the right help. While I’m still working with the bank to resolve the underlying issues, these lovely souls found a workaround. I was infinitely grateful!

I’ve given another problem up to the Creator to resolve. A website I use frequently refuses to acknowledge my new business as legitimate. I’ve asked five different customer service reps exactly what data format their bot requires, and instead of acknowledging my question, they all gave me a generic “read this article” response. After being patient, kind, when I received yet one more frustrating response late one night, I realized it was time to give it to God. I sat, breathed, received, and received some ideas about other sources of information I could check. This issue isn’t resolved yet, but now that I’ve “delegated up” I know it will be.

These are just logistical challenges, but when loved ones came close to the edge of life, I did all I could do and then sat in prayer, “delegating up.” They’re still alive. When people were unkind, and I didn’t know how to let go of the sting, I sat, breathed, received, and gave my mind and heart to the Divine to heal while I rested in that stream of love.

I have clients who have “delegated up” when they couldn’t walk and are now walking, driving, and healing others. 

The Creator can handle and figure out anything. It is our job to stop the spinning mind, breathe, receive, or at least do something comforting or uplifting to be receptive to the guidance. I can’t hear where my keys are when I’m obsessing about them being lost. I couldn’t hear the next step in the dance with the bank until I stopped thinking about the problem. It is in our peace and silence that good ideas can come to us… and they will.

We are not and never will be left to handle life alone. When you start to see and feel this beautiful dance with the Divine, everything becomes easier. I still have human things to handle all the time, but I know that the minute I delegate up and slow my mind down, I’m opening to the help that loves us all beyond compare.

Here are a few pointers to help you delegate up and be open to receive the help that is always available.

1.  Give God a “Honey-Do” list and let it go

I jokingly have a running “tab” with the universe. “Hi God, I need help with XYZ. Add it to my tab,” I joke, as if I’m adding items to my tab at a reastaurant!  The Creator of universes knows no limits. I keep giving everything and anything I don’t know how to resolve to the Divine.

In the morning, between my alarm and the ten-minute snooze, I give God my “honey-do” list for the day. I think about my top priorities and things I need assistance with and delegate up, asking for help, not only in achieving what I want to achieve but also in helping the day flow smoothly.

When I have a less-than-happy mood, I give it to God. “Hi God, I’m cranky. This is yours now.!” And I sit, breathe, receive, and rest in love.

The more you get in the habit of giving up your problems, challenges, and even undesirable states to the Creator, the more help you get.

2. Stop trying to answer your own prayers… unless inspired!

I once asked the angels to help me with a health issue. I then proceeded to waste hours researching how to solve the problem myself—not guided by inspiration but rather by fear. “Ann…” the angels gently got my attention. “Do you want help, or would you rather answer your own prayers?” I realized that I had not even slowed down enough to receive the guidance I had asked for. I sat, breathed, received, and realized my body was craving what it needed to heal.

3. Remember you’re dealing with Infinite Intelligence

I was once agonizing over something I thought I needed to figure out myself when the angels gently said, “Ann… Do you suppose the Creator of Universes—the one who moves the stars in the heavens, turns the seasons, runs entire ecosystems, makes your body work, and keeps the planets from bumping into each other—might be able to find a solution for you?”

They made their point with love and gentle humor. I realized how absurd it was to think I needed to know how to resolve anything, rather than waiting for inspiration or guidance from the intelligence that lives in everything.

When you don’t know how to do something, God does. When you don’t have the resources, the Divine does. When you don’t have the strength, the Divine that lives within you does. I joke that I run on love, laughter, coffee, and Divine Presence!

Most of us were taught to “figure things out.” Being able to reason is an infinitely useful skill. But when you reach a dead end and don’t know what to do, delegate up.

Most of us were taught we needed money, time, or other resources to make our dreams come true. The Divine has all of that.

Most of us were taught that God helps those who help themselves, and while we must act when inspired/impulsed to do so, a more accurate saying might be, “God helps all, and those willing to believe and receive will get the help.”

We all are loved beyond reason. We are all guided impeccably. We get in our own way by trying to solve all our own problems and fulfill all our own desires. Sometimes, we know what to do, and we do it willingly.  But when you don’t know what to do or can’t find the willpower, delegate up. Relax, sit, breathe, receive, and bask in the eternal flow of love.  Then do your best to enjoy what you can in this moment, on this day.

You will receive inspiration or natural impulses to act in perfect timing. You will be guided to or given the resources you require.  Even when you’re sick, as you relax and give it to the Creator while doing your best to rest and enjoy what you can, you’ll start to hear the wisdom channeled by your own body.

As we surrender the egoic need to know it all, fix it all, and solve it all, we relax into the understanding that we are part of something so much greater—an infinite, loving, intelligent Presence that adores, guides, soothes, and heals.

Regardless of whether we get our way in the short term, my experience is that the timing and solutions offered by the universe are always more elegant, graceful, and supportive of our goals than anything we could ever come up with on our own.

The post Delegating up! first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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