My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many big things concern you in the world, but what often sidetracks you are the little “splinters” of upsets you encounter throughout your day—the little distractions, the little inconveniences, and the little things that someone said don’t seem to leave your mind. We call these “splinters” because, like physical splinters, they are often extremely small in comparison to the magnitude of good in your life, but like those little splinters, they seem to compel your attention and cause you pain.

As always, it is a matter of tuning.

Suppose you get a cold. You, the spirit, live in your body, and it is hard not to notice this cold. You feel,  temporarily, miserable. In the greater scheme of your eternal existence and your entire life, this cold is a small thing, but it feels huge since it is so very present to you. Your focus on its compelling presence makes it feel even worse.  So what to do?  As always, the answer is to focus elsewhere as best you can. You can tell yourself, “Yes, this isn’t comfortable, and I’d much rather be well, but I think I’ll use it as an excuse to nurture myself, to read that book I’ve been wanting to read, to watch those programs I’ve been wanting to watch, to put my feet up and relax and sip on a cup of soup.” You can focus on the fact that maybe you’re getting out of doing something you weren’t so enthusiastic about after all. You can focus on the deliciousness of your pillows and blankets and that whiff of cinnamon in your honey and lemon tea.

Suppose someone says something to you that stings. The other person may have no idea how their words felt to you. They may have been reacting, spouting off, or even saying something misunderstood. Nonetheless, these splinters can land in your mind and you can have difficulty getting these words out of your mind. In this case, you can intentionally and deliberately focus on other things you have heard that feel more pleasant and replay these in your mind. Can you pray for this person? Even if they did intend to be upsetting, that is still a cry for love. Can you say kind things to yourself?

Likewise suppose you are having a wonderful day then receive an email or see some upsetting news.  Again, this is small in the grand scheme of your eternal existence, but at the moment, it could easily wobble you out of your previous joy.  Again, broaden your focus beyond the upsetting situation. Look at the grander world around you. Consciously and deliberately look for better news.

As you broaden your focus beyond the stinging “splinters” in your life, you will relax and once again reconnect to the love that is far more present and prevalent in your world than the disconnections.  As you tune once again into love, you will be guided beyond your splinters with grace, or they will, like the physical splinters, work themselves out in time.  Put in more human terms:

The less you stress over any mess,
and the more you look for the best to bless,
the more easily you’ll grow,
and find your flow,
and that space,
you’ll enjoy the best!

We just delighted our channel with that little rhyme!

Your splinters in life, dear ones, can feel huge, and yet in the greater scheme of your eternal existence, they are small, easily resolved by the divine as you relax, surrender them to the power that creates worlds, and await your joyful guidance.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

The post Dealing with Life’s “Splinters” first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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