Ever since I’ve been doing readings, the angels have begged people in traditional relationships to be kind to themselves and one another, often reminding them that we were in the middle of one of the largest paradigm shifts in relationships in recent centuries. Not until the 1950s did the archetypal “servant/provider” paradigm begin to shift.

Up until then, it was largely assumed that the man would provide and the woman would manage the children and the household. Women were often considered subservient, and men were supposed to put their hearts aside to provide. It wasn’t, thank God, the case for all, but it was a prevalent belief that “big boys didn’t cry” and “women didn’t question.”  In truth not many lived completely by these social norms, but often men and women felt guilty for straying beyond them.

My mother was ridiculed by other women for working outside the house to help pay for our home and education, and my father, a deeply feeling young man, went into the military to pay for college and was supposed to stuff his emotions. I’ve met thousands of people who suffered through these cultural definitions, stuffing their feelings, ignoring their hearts, and doing what they thought they “should” do in order to get what they were taught they “should” get. It wasn’t their fault. They were born, brewed, and steeped in these beliefs, but thank God we live in a day and age when things are changing.

In my work, I’ve seen numerous men connect with their beautiful hearts and numerous women find their inner wisdom and power.  I‘ve seen women whose inner masculine was off balance learn to relax into their hearts and the nurturing support of the Divine feminine energies, and men whose inner feminine was off balance learn to support and implement their dreams in connection with the confidence of the true masculine. We are all striving for that inner marriage of head and heart. We are seeing this shift both within and without.

Most of you have heard my story. After the intensity of serving during 2020 and 2021, I needed balance! While resting, I “stumbled” on a video about creating junk journals, which ignited a love of papercrafts that I didn’t even know was in me. I became an avid collector (hoarder!) of all things paper that could be turned into beautiful, artistic, handmade books.

I started doodling as a result, which led to making mandalas, which led to a coloring book. I started watching videos on making coloring books and strayed into watching ones on image generation. I began playing with digital images, which led me to my first children’s book.  The more I created, the more my heart wanted to create. I opened an Etsy store and now design both goofy and beautiful products that make my heart sing.

Head and heart are working together in amazing ways. I‘ve been able to accomplish more, give in greater ways, and support those I love through intense physical challenges. My head would call this crazy. I make more in a few readings than I do in my Etsy shop in a month. But the joy of watching someone light up wearing something I imagined, and the delight of watching things that were once in my imagination turn into something tangible is priceless. I love it. In time, it will grow. I didn’t do this to get rich. I did it because my heart craves creation, and when my heart is happy, and I’m in a good vibe, what I desire flows to me in the weirdest and most wonderful ways.

The beautiful marriage of head and heart is possible for all but it does take some practice to unlearn old habits.

Here are a few pointers to begin shifting that inner relationship:

1.  Take time regularly to get in touch with your heart

Don’t underestimate the power of a few minutes in silence each week. Even if you can only find five minutes a week to turn everything off and get away from everyone else it is valuable time. Ask yourself, “Am I happy?” Don’t judge. Just answer honestly. Ask yourself, “What do I really want right now?” Again, don’t judge. Just be with your answer. Love yourself through it. Be kind to your desires. You may want to find a little time to relax, to feel more meaning in life, to be healthier, to find more surrender, or to find the perfect car.

Allow whatever is in you to come up and out. Acknowledge it. Be with it. Don’t try to talk yourself out of what you feel. Then give it to God and the angels, ask for help, and get on with your day.

Allow the universe to inspire you to take action when it is time.

2. Support your dreams with inspired and guided action

If you want to do something but feel you lack the skills, knowledge, or ability, ask your angels to guide you to a way to acquire these. Inevitably, if I want to learn something, a video on the topic shows up in my YouTube feed the next day, or a website comes to my attention. I have been inspired to practice things I was terrible at until I eventually learned from all my mistakes and became skilled.

For example, speaking comes easily to me, but at one time, I was one of the absolute worst people on earth in front of a camera! Then, a ten-year-old desire to create online programs came to fruition, and it suddenly dawned on me I needed to learn to be in front of a camera. I set up my little point-and-shoot Sony on a tripod in the brightest room of my house at night (the guest bathroom), hit “record,” and began filming. The results were terrible, to say the least! I looked like a statue with moving lips!

Spiraling into a mild panic because I had one week until I was supposed to film, I started to despair that I would never be able to accomplish this desire even though all the stars and right people had aligned. So, I sat quietly with God. “How am I going to learn to be good on camera?” I waited. Without thinking, I got up and began googling “How to look natural on camera.” To my surprise, there were hundreds of videos and articles on the topic! I read one after the next, hopped in front of the camera time and again, and practiced.

After nearly 100 trials, I found my zone. When I flew out to Burbank to film the first episode of my online program, I felt the Divine Masculine within me, and I did the entire first episode in one take. It felt natural and easy. The filmers started calling me the “one take wonder,” and people wrote to tell me how “natural” I looked on camera. Rolling with laughter, I thought, “If they only knew!”

When you are in connection with your heart, at some point, inspired action will be required. You may not feel confident, competent, or even able to follow through. You may feel like an imposter. But if your heart had a desire, and you received an impulse to act, act! Do what it takes to learn what you need to learn.

Sit with God and your angels and ask for guidance. The Divine never guides you to do something you can’t do.

You will be inspired all along the way, and you’ll learn, grow, and expand beyond who you thought you were capable of being.

3. Start with the heart. Refine with the mind. Do the dance.

Good ideas arrive in the heart through feelings and thoughts that feel enticing, inspiring, good, happy, or enlivening. Once you are clear, it makes sense to engage the mind to refine these desires and begin to figure out what’s next. When you can’t figure out what’s next, go back to the heart and wait for inspiration. In this fashion, we create a beautiful dance between head and heart, inspiration and action, guidance and intellect.

When I got clear that I wanted to expand creatively, I started to think about all the ways I might do it. I didn’t act until I was inspired. Once inspired I engaged the mind again to figure out how to do the things I was inspired to do. When I had done all I knew to do, I waited for more inspiration. I’m still in that cycle.

Start by getting clear about what you want to feel or experience, then brainstorm, and if necessary, wait for further guidance. Act when you feel clear and passionate or at least good or inspired. Do the dance.

The archetypal energies are shifting. It isn’t about men or women dominating one another. It is about the masculine and feminine energies inside of each of us working together in greater harmony. Moving forward, try to think of head and heart in a perfect, ideal marriage, supporting, complementing, and working in perfect harmony with one another.

The post Changing archetypes inside and out first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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