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Are You Re-Living the Fall of Atlantis? ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.
We know that you all like to learn about history and the history of planet Earth in particular, especially when it is different from the history that you were taught in school. You are the ones who like to hear the truth. You like an alternative story better than the official story and that is because you have these expressions there on Earth like, ‘The history books are written by the winners.’
Now at the time of the fall of Atlantis, there were no winners. There were only those who survived, and the fall of Atlantis was precipitated by an over reliance on technology by those who had distanced themselves so much from Mother Earth and Mother Nature that they did not think about the ramifications of their actions. They did not care about toxic wastes that were created by their obsession with flying machines, and teleportation machines, and machines that would re atomize whatever it was that you put into it.
Many Atlanteans were enamored by technology and yet there were those who understood the importance of connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature and they were the ones who were considered on the fringe of society. They were the weird ones, the spiritual ones who put a lot of faith in their healing practices and wore a lot of crystals. Does any of this sound familiar yet?
Yes, you are at a point in human history where you are going through this kind of dichotomy again, this kind of split is happening. There are many people who feel that technology has all the answers, and there are others who are trying to preserve species of animals, trees, plants, entire forests, and they want nothing more than to clean up the oceans and the air. They are the ones who are seen as being in the way of progress by those who want to take as much as they can from Mother Earth and destroy Mother Nature in the process.
And so you have a big difference in the ways in which you approach the future of planet Earth. Is the future just to colonize the moon and Mars or is it to do your best to reverse the damage that has been done by the pollution that is causing a lot of health problems in humans as well as animals? You will all have to make this choice now and recognize that you are not there to repeat the Atlantean story. You are there to move beyond this split and come together with a sort of compromise. Yes there will be technology. That’s not going away, but neither should all the trees, plants and animal life just so that you can have more.
You all need to evolve to a point where you are ready for certain technologies, and one of the ways that you accelerate your spiritual evolution is by getting out in nature and communing with Mother Earth, the trees, the animals, the sun and so the two belief systems must be able to come together and find a common ground so that you can move forward as a society that will have technology but that will also think about how everything is affecting the whole, the planet and all of her inhabitants, whether human or not.
You don’t get to this place by fighting the side that you’re not on. You get to this place by coming together and recognizing that you have different perspectives, different points of view but that ultimately the goal is to live harmoniously with each other and with your world who you are meant to be the stewards of, who you are meant to be taking care of, not only because she provides so much for you, but because of the future and the generations that will come after yours.
Therefore, we encourage you to take whatever actions you can to get involved in organizations who are seeking to preserve the rainforests, the endangered animals and who are seeking to clean up the oceans. Take the actions you know that you can make and take to live on a healthier planet. Do what you can, and seek to come together with those who see things differently than you do because every compromise that you make puts out into the collective consciousness the fact that it is possible to come together and agree that there is a way for everyone to get what they want and to live harmoniously together on a healthy planet.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
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The post Are You Re-Living the Fall of Atlantis? ∞The Creators appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.
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