My friends and I had an exciting week—not one you would usually celebrate—but one that turned into an amazing dance of loving energy.

A month ago, I prayed for a friend who was having heart problems. This friend, who is also intuitive, knew they were going to die soon if something didn’t change. Their care providers were too overloaded to give proper care.  And so, after getting myself in a wonderful vibration of love, I prayed, “I intend a miracle for them today.” I had crystal clear focus and solid faith.”  Four hours later, other friends questioned the one with problems, arranged for them to receive proper health care, and within a few weeks, had surgery scheduled with an incredible doctor.  

The surgery was this week.  An earth angel friend organized for care, accommodations, and everything else needed. In spite of a very complex procedure, the surgery was a success.  Like a dance, another friend volunteered to come by and be on watch after the surgery.

Tuesday night after work, they called me to come over. When I arrived, two of my dear nurse friends were dealing with post-surgery complications. Not long after, I was driving to the emergency room watching the ambulance with my friend in it racing through the lights.

I prayed, during the entire drive, “Dear God, let me bring love into this whole situation.” I aleady sensed my friend would be ok but if I was going to spend hours after a long day of work in an emergency room—it needed to turn into an experience permeated with love! I prayed so strongly that I slipped into a different dimension of awareness while driving. Through the grace of God, I saw it all through the eyes of my soul—just one more adventure in an eternal existence, and an incredible opportunity to love.

I waited the prescribed twenty minutes in the waiting room, while they checked my friend into a room in the back. Since I had nothing else to do, I sat in the waiting room and flowed love to everyone around. Feeling wonderful, I went to speak to the person on duty, who insisted that there was no one checked in with my friend’s name and that they were at another hospital! After being very kind and asking the overworked woman at the desk to please have a look in spite of the computer records, she had mercy on me and went back to find out what was going on. Apparently the paramedics in training had not entered my friend’s name into the system, so “anonymous” was waiting for me in a back room!

The whole thing ended up being a gift. Had the folks rushing my friend into the emergency room looked through the wallet, they would have likely missed secondary insurance cards, and the bill would have been unthinkable. Due to the mistake, I was able to make sure all the correct information was entered into the system. It was yet one more current of grace in a mighty stream of love.

My friend wasn’t too thrilled about the situation, of course, but we were soon laughing and joking. A dear young nurse came in and quickly joined in with her own delightful humor. She was another earth-angel—kind, friendly, and very reassuring. The doctor was wonderful and didn’t put my friend through unnecessary procedures. After several hours of observation and waiting for results, we were sprung loose!

I returned to the waiting room while my friend was being released. There, a very dear woman was shaking in fear with gripping chest pains. The place was so overloaded by this time that she had to wait. Something picked me up, had me walk over, and out of my mouth came, “May I pray over you?” She nodded in agreement as I allowed the energy to flow. Out of my mouth comes, “Your grandma wants you to know you are going to live. It is not your time. This will be resolved, but you have to care about yourself as much as you care about others.”  She looked at me. I simply said, “I hear spirits.” She teared up and whispered, “Thanks, Nana.” My friend was released, and we drove back to get them tucked in.

I got home at 2:20 am and finished work a few hours later. It wasn’t the easiest night, nor my typical idea of a fun time, but I’ll forget the tough stuff. I’ll remember the laughter and the amazing and kind souls who helped. It really did turn into an adventure in love.

It isn’t always easy to find love in a situation. Sometimes, you have to really look for it. On a sunny day in the backyard, with the roses blooming, birds singing, and the little bugs doing their happy dance, it is easy to find love. In the ER with a dear friend feeling cantankerous in the middle of a risky situation, it took a little more creativity and a lot of prayer.

Once again at home, I sat, breathed, and let that delicious nurturing stream replenish me.

It is always there for us.

Here are a few pointers to help you experience love even in the difficult times and a wild world…

1.  Look for the good

The news rarely reports all the good going on in the world. We have to look for it but usually do not have to look far. Look at the bagger in the grocery store bantering with the cashier. Look at people helping one another as you run errands. Look at the mothers being so kind to their children or the dads who are amazing with their kids. Listen to people on their phones coordinating family life. See the tree at the intersection, sharing oxygen for us to breathe.

If you seek, you will find.

2. Be an emissary of love

If you’re in a tough situation or feeling down about the world, resolve to add more love to it. Be kind to people. Look for times in your life when things worked out. Say something positive under a social media post. Pray for just one person.

It feels good to see love and receive love, but it also feels great to flow love.

3. Make it a game

Instead of striving too hard to create a new habit, making it a game makes it easier. Every now and then, just for fun, set a timer for thirty seconds and see how many good things you can notice or think of around you.  Challenge yourself. Beat your own records!

Making looking for the good a little game is fun, and it develops a great habit that will serve you when life isn’t so fun.

All’s well. It was a busy week between work and all the extracurricular activities. Nonetheless, I witnessed the healing power of love, the seamless dance of a group of selfless, giving friends with a common goal, and our ability to support each other—not only caring for our friend with the problem, but the caregivers as well. I feel good about the fact that I’ve grown this week in my own ability to love in the face of adversity.

So while the world, and life can making finding or sharing love difficult at times, it always feels more powerful, and even weirdly joyful when you can manage it.

The post A loving adventure… in the most unlikely place! first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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