Who’s Controlling the Path to the 5th Dimension? ∞The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We know how much you have already grown there in your Earth experiences, and we know that there is much more for you to experience in regards to your growth. We would like to assure you that your growth is inevitable, and we would like to release you from the notion, the idea, the belief, that your growth has to be hard, difficult, and full of suffering. Sometimes, you can look back at an incident, let’s call it a trauma in your life, and say, ‘I can see how I grew from that experience.’ And when you do that, you are served by that reframing of the events. However, you do not want to then develop an expectation that you must suffer in order to grow.
You can just as easily grow through a joyous experience. You can have a life-altering experience that is very positive and good feeling, and anyone who is operating under the assumption that growth must be painful is taking that idea from the collective consciousness, because it is a widely-held belief amongst humans. You have come to the point now where you can examine all beliefs in order to better understand the creation of your reality, and when you do so you can recognize that there are many ways for you to grow and expand that do not involve pain and suffering.
Perhaps now you can look back at your life and take note of all of those times that you grew through a joyous event or an exciting set of circumstances. Beautiful opportunities come your way, and then you take them and you grow from them. You in fact grow in leaps and bounds while you are sleeping and traveling through the astral plane. So when we tell you that you have a lot more growing left to do there on Earth, please do not take that to mean that you have awful experience in front of awful experience in front of you.
You are welcome to create a joyous journey to the fifth dimension, and we often encourage you to do so when we meet with you in the astral plane. We are happy to encourage you to do so now that we have your attention in the waking state, and we encourage you to believe in yourselves as the creators of your reality. No one is choosing the remainder of your path to the fifth dimension for you.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
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