This quarterly reading had a lot of synchronicity, especially with the current focus of Freedom Within. As we are enhancing our loving Conduit to allow new potential to flow easily in our lives and the earth experience, these cards were particularly supportive.
Compassion is natural to empaths and lightworkers. Yet we often have to learn healthy boundaries so that it can influence life rather than depleting sympathy, or viewing life through the lens of disempowerment.
That creative strength, as mentioned from the booklet, is an important part of our evolution. As we exemplify it we emit it, we teach it, we allow it to grow. It becomes more predominant here through your compassion flowing.
Forgiveness is a vehicle of change. It is how you emit the love that compassion embraces. It is for you because it clarifies your inner sanctum into a new perspective of the past: not just trauma that hurt you, but experience that strengthened you.
The past strengthened you to be different because of it. You’re stronger, wiser, choosing differently because you don’t have the past of fear in you, you have the past of strength in you now.
Allow yourself the time and stages to truly Forgive.
Hence the last card of Authenticity.
It’s the foundation that supports empowered new growth instead of a new illusion of strength or difference.
Authenticity initiates inner clarity and wisdom.
You have nothing to lose with authenticity with yourself. It’s how you truly heal.
Authenticity with others? Yeah, you may lose.
You may lose things/people that aren’t aligned with authenticity, balanced ego or change. You may lose things that don’t serve positive growth. You may lose things that consciously or unconsciously resent you being you.
Of course, I’m not talking about the “inauthenticity” that is about not spewing negativity on others.
For example, you’re having a bad day and you work in customer service so you answer the phone with a kind voice. It’s not the time or place for your full healing focus.
Your authenticity confirms you’re observing your deeper energy and will work with issues specifically as appropriate.
The final card not only supports all of these, but it’s an important energy for our Ascension overall.
It’s core to life and the subatomic model that builds form.
It even came up directly in the last card reading.
It’s Neutrality.
Our way to be open to change and to create stable change.
Soak it in.
The post Inner Changes for Expansion appeared first on Jamye Price.