As you know, I’ve been working diligently these past few years to tend to my vibration. Ever since the angels taught me about vibrational law years ago, I started playing with it. The more I care about my inner life, the better I navigate the outer world.
This weekend, I was on a ladder taking down Christmas decorations when a mighty force of anger came at me and nearly knocked me over. It felt like burning prickles, and it caught me off guard. I had been enjoying the day. I climbed down and, in the process, banged my head. Reacting, I stumbled. Something was way off and I knew it. I sat down and realized this was not my anger. I had a fleeting thought that someone on Etsy was upset but wasn’t in a position to get to the computer, so I sat and recalibrated my energy.
This is one of the things the world does not teach you as an empath. You don’t literally “take on” another’s energy. You notice it, focus on it, and feel it when a strong vibe shows up in your space. It gets your attention, and what you focus on, you feel. In that instant, it came at me as a strong energy that was hard to ignore. So I did what I always do. I sat and blessed the first thing I saw in front of me, which was a house in total chaos with Christmas decorations all over the floor! I gave thanks for the beauty of the season past. I thanked my Christmas tree. I thanked my ladder. I thanked the sunshine outside. I thanked my body… and on it went. It took a few minutes, but pretty soon, I was tuned back into my happy reality.
Later that night, when I could get on the computer I did find a very angry message from someone who was having trouble downloading her $2 files from my clipart shop on Etsy, calling my system horrific, my instructions useless, etc. Because I had tuned into loving goodness throughout that day and was happy, all I felt was compassion. I’ve been frustrated with computers before.
I offered an alternative solution that worked and got another strong message about how I should be delivering my digital files. It was not technically doable as presented and wasn’t something I’d heard from any mentor or program I’d studied. I wasn’t quite sure what this person was talking about, yet I felt there was something useful here if I was willing to explore.
So, I decided to “compost” the experience and grow something good out of it. I sat with the angels and asked them to help me figure out what system the person was referring to. They pointed me in the right direction, and after a few hours of research, a lot more expense, and an all-nighter, I transferred all my files to an easier system that even the most non-technical could navigate. It felt good to do this. If even one person out of 70 had challenges, I knew others would, too. And while I prefer the kinder vibes, some days the weather storms and some days people do too. I don’t take either personally. I just recalibrate to the good and do what I can to be kind.
Calibrating to love and the thoughts and things that elevated my soul throughout the day saved me from reacting. It kept me from dancing with egos and allowed me to focus on dancing with angels! It allowed me to create something good out of the experience, rather than feeling upset.
As the saying goes, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” In a good vibe you connect with love, know you are loved, and are able to love much more easily.
Here are a few pointers to help you recalibrate your vibration and lift yourself above the things in life that would otherwise drag you down…
1. Walk out of bad movies…
In my thirties, I went with friends to see the most disturbing movie I had ever sat through. I didn’t know what we were going to see before I joined them, or I wouldn’t have gone. I don’t enjoy gory thrillers. I left feeling haunted by some of the disturbing scenes. Later, I sat with the angels complaining about how these things should be allowed in theaters, when they kindly interrupted me. They knew I was disempowering myself.
“Why didn’t you walk out?” they asked me with a bit of humor. Pause. Think. I did not have a good answer!
Conditioning? Fear of upsetting friends? Curious to see if it would get better? All of the above. I started laughing. Why, indeed do we sit there watching things that upset us?
It was the last time I sat through anything that didn’t resonate with me. I mute commercials I don’t enjoy, ignore proclamations that tell me how I should decline with age, donate books that don’t resonate with me before finishing them, and turn off anything that starts to be non-resonant the moment I feel myself getting off center. My number one priority in life is to stay in a good vibe and I don’t have to be a saint to do it and push myself to like things I don’t resonate with!
We can’t always physically walk out of life’s “bad movies,” but we can withdraw our attention from what doesn’t resonate with us and, in the very same place and time, find something that does. We can focus elsewhere. We can find something to appreciate. We can mentally go through our grocery list. We can pray for someone or focus on someone we love.
There are so many ways we can “walk out of life’s bad movies” without having to leave the room. Let your mind travel to a better reality.
2. Practice makes better
It is a worthy goal to live in love and appreciation all the time but I’ve not met anyone (me included!) who can at this time. We came for contrast, but we didn’t intend to stay stuck on the parts of reality we didn’t like. So the more we practice looking for good, thinking of good, and focusing on good, the easier it gets to recalibrate when some upsetting contrast knocks us into a lower space.
Think of your ability to tune your own energy like the rudder of a ship. If the ship has a weak rudder, a storm will easily toss it over, and it will have a hard time returning to center. If the ship has a strong rudder, then even in the turbulent waves, it will help the ship return to center more easily.
Our daily practice of tuning into things and focusing on things that inspire loving feelings will help us develop a strong “rudder” and an ability to recalibrate our energy, even in life’s storms. Our alignment with love and with the Divine helps us navigate these ups and downs of life with grace and good guidance.
Practice makes better. No need to be perfect 🙂
3. When you think you can’t, tell yourself you can
There are times when something is very upsetting, concerning, or even scary. In those moments, we often think we can’t possibly focus elsewhere. Tell yourself you can. Change the story you are telling yourself, no matter how real it feels, if only for a moment. I’ve been so shocked by unkindness in the past that I had trouble thinking of anything else, but the angels challenged me to do so. Listen to one amazing song and breathe. Smell a rose or some pleasant fragrance. Nap.
Even when we think there is no way we can feel better, there is something small we can do to inch ourselves out of the feelings that bring us down. Try one small thought or one small thing at a time.
The world looks uncertain these days. From one moment to the next, conditions seem to change rapidly. I don’t watch news, but I hear about from others, and I feel the waves in the mass concsiousness as many of you do. Nonetheless, the one constant broadcast is Love. The real news that never changes is that we are cherished, adored, loved, and guided.
Our task isn’t to figure out how to fix the world or even solve our own problems but rather to surrender to love and allow it to reach us and reveal one good idea after the next. By doing so, we are guided in grace. As we stop blocking love with a focus on the unpleasant things in life and look for the good, we’ll see more and more of it.
“But what about the bad?” people always ask me. It’s there. We all know that. We don’t care for it, nor should we. We can acknowledge it, focus on solutions, and do our part in our sphere of influence to share kindness, love, light, and levity. We can gently remind people, by walking our own talk and living in our own faith, that there is a power higher than anything human that loves us beyond reason. And we can sit and shut our eyes, breathe, and relax into that love at any time.
The post Rising above by looking for love first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.
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