Things are speeding up now that our frequency is higher. Our being is increasingly refined and we can process light more quickly. With the massive influx of solar energy, we’ve become near masters of shifting. We’re seeing the alignment of the heart and mind as we follow our intuitive guidance. We can now feel the resonance of truth, and we are observing how much is out of alignment.

This is a process that takes dedication and fortitude, fearlessness and faith, huge trust and unwavering determination.

We’ve been doing our absolute best, flying high at times and navigating the lows as well. We’re consulting not only our own higher self, but the wonderful psychics, channelers, astrologers and tarot card readers we resonate with.

This new world is now where we live.

We have moved to this very new way of being. We’re getting pictures of things that are going to happen, what people are going to say. We know many things in advance. We have a general feeling of what is going to take place on a larger scale, and we are creating stability for everything around us. We are holding a huge amount of energy We’ve created an incredible new world inside of us, established this around us and we’re holding that space, making it possible for others to have a taste of what is taking place and what is possible. Some are dipping their toes, some are jumping in, others are turning away. But this new world is now where we live.

I had a dream a few nights ago. I was told to sing to the earth to become wild again. I was in my backyard and as I sang, a young elephant ran toward me. Then a wild cat, larger than a bobcat, ran up. I raised my arms to shoo it away. It moved off and then came back and sat next to me. That’s when I woke up. To me, the young elephant meant moving quickly into new beginnings. The bobcat represented self-reliance, patience and readiness. And I needed to trust that all was in harmony, and to see and know my power to create. So here we are, very ready for this imminent new beginning, each of us singing in our wild new earth. We’re seeing our power, we’re discovering what we can do. And we’re believing we can do this, no matter what. That’s why we came. We came to use our incredible ability to shift, to shape-shift into our new selves, and to manifest beyond what most believe is possible as we sing our wild song.

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