This Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck reading is for the Solstice and upcoming quarter, bridging us into 2025.

Humanity is going through a lot of change, not all of it easy. Yet hopefully you are navigating the spiraling with grace.

Areon has been talking about our tri-wave brain flow for well over a year, yet it is an energetic change that will occur over time.

This card reading references these changes and how to best serve your journey. I love the synchronicity.

I always love to look at the card that is at the bottom of the deck, even though it’s not an official part of the reading.

With this deck it always seems to add another layer of understanding.

This card did not disappoint. It’s an Orion card, so it’s all about Releasing.

Remember sometimes the Orion’s are pointing out an extreme that may not apply directly, but be willing to look at all angles.

The card: Hopelessness

If this isn’t in your life, celebrate this! You are having an experience that is perfect for you in this moment.

Perhaps you feel drawn to send a prayer of Hope to anyone feeling Hopelessness.

Or a challenging topic that is calling a moment of your Love.

Is there a situation in life that seems hopeless? Let go of trying to figure it out or fix it if it’s not in your immediate life.

If it is in your immediate life, seek to let go of worry or fear that isn’t helping you. Open yourself to loving support unseen. New solutions that your mind can’t grip.

Have Hope.

Even if you’re feeling cope. Or your mind says nope.

Have Hope.

Even if it’s fleeting. Or there’s no guaranteeing.

Have Hope.

The healing intention states, “Hope is a state of movement that compels improvement.”

Some say it’s not good to feel Hope because it indicates lack. That is a misunderstanding of the value of all human emotion.

Within the constant change of linear time, Hope is a vital emotion of the human psyche. It is a doorway to positive change.

The challenges are strengthening you, preparing you and calling you to open the door.

Let healing in.

Let help in.

Let courage in.

Let inspiration in.

Let Life in.

You are so Loved.

Infinitely Loved.

The post Navigating Collective Change appeared first on Jamye Price.