People ask me all the time if the angels will tell me who will win the election, and they lovingly answer, “No.” They do not want to interfere with what is ours to decide. They don’t want anyone to feel “fated” to a certain path but rather to participate in its creation. And they are not in the slightest way concerned about the fears flying around about our “potential demise, the unraveling of a country, or the fickle economy.” They live in a love that is so profound that they know anything can be resolved to the benefit of all.

That love is available to us all, We don’t have to die to feel it, but we do have to take time, in whatever way works best for each of us, to connect with it on a regular basis. In connection to love, the behavior of others looks like the behavior of others rather than a threat to our well-being.

Years ago, when I was much younger, I was standing by the dolphin tank at Sea World after a glorious day of fun and sun when I was approached by an attractive and very large man in an expensive suit. He wore gold chains, an expensive watch, and a smug grin. I was in such a great space I got my guidance instantly. He’s a pimp, and he wants to abduct you and sell you into prostitution. “Lovely,” I thought. “This should be fun.” I was too happy from my great day to feel fear. The angels were all around.

“Here it comes,” I thought as he approached confidently. “Are you alone?” he asked. “I could never be alone,” I replied. I didn’t look at him. “I don’t see anyone,” he insisted. “You wouldn’t,” I said, focusing on the beautiful day and the peaceful animals.  He changed tactics. “I could come back to your hotel room and give you a massage.” “Seriously?” I thought to myself. “No thanks,” I replied. “Why not?” he asked.

I was getting tired of his nonsense, so I let my eyes glaze over and went inward. I focused on my favorite dolphin, who was basking in the water on the other side of the tank. I sent him a telepathic message about how fun it would be to come over and soak this man with salt water. I pictured it, pictured my laughter, and felt the joy of this particular dolphin who loved to splash tourists. The dolphin started to swim our way.

I interrupted the man’s chatter. “You probably should get going.” I smiled sweetly. “What?” He looked at me incredulously. “You better run,” I repeated. The dolphin was halfway across the tank by now. “Why?” he was a little irritated at this point. “See that dolphin,” I said calmly. “He is going to come splash you and get saltwater all over that expensive suit, and I’m pretty sure it won’t wash well. You might want to go now.”  “No way,” he was laughing, making fun of my comment but also nervously watching the dolphin, who was now swimming his way like a missile aiming for a target.

The man was so dumbfounded that he froze when the dolphin stopped right in front of him, turned upside down, and repeatedly lobbed buckets of water that he almost ruined his suit. Luckily, he ran right before the last tidal wave of dolphin joy drenched the spot where he’d been standing. I went to comfort another younger woman he had attempted to con, and we left the park together for safety’s sake. I could feel the angels’ love all around.  Instead of fearing what could have happened, I prayed for the light to burn off his demons and went to sleep listening to the waves on the beach. Love is and was and always will be the higher power.

Here are a few pointers to help you go back to the Divine when you fear that someone else’s behaviors or choices can negatively impact you…

1.  Remember you have choice

When someone steals your money, runs into your car, makes policies you don’t like, or dies, it does not feel as if you have a lot of choice at that moment. And in the 3D sense you don’t. The money is gone. The car has a dent. You have to abide by policies you don’t like. your dear one is nonphysical.

However, we always have vibrational choice. We can let a person or situation drag us down or we can allow ourselves our human feelings and then get back into alignment with love as soon as possible.

The money is gone. What next? The universe is abundant. The Divine can help you regain that and more if you focus on what is abundant.

The car has a dent. What next? Maybe you’ll find yourself having a wonderful experience waiting for the fix. Maybe the kindness of friends will be soothing comfort. Maybe you’ll be off the road and avoid an accident.

The policies make your life harder…temporarily. Give it to God. Focus on feeling what you really want—peace, prosperity, freedom… and in those vibrations the divine will find a way to deliver.

Someone you love is gone, physically. You will grieve but eventually you will also feel the glorious connection at a much deeper level—one step, one day at a time.

We can absolutely be affected by others’ choices and often are, but the better a vibration we’re in, the less we are negatively impacted, or the less time we spend being derailed by these challenges.

2. Focus Forward

If someone has or is doing something you don’t like, focus forward. Ask yourself what love would say or do. Put your energy beyond the problem How would it feel to feel peace. How would it feel to be connected to your dear one in spirit again? How would it feel to know you have enough money to deal with a new expense. The more you can tune into those good feelings, the faster you’ll allow that reality to flow in your life.

Focusing on what people did said, or how they treated you—if it doesnt make you happy—just keeps you stuck under the influence of their actions.

3. Make bad behavior irrelevant

Most people who behave badly in your present are acting out their own pain and it has little to do with you. It might be aimed at you, but after looking into thousands of human hearts over the past decades, I know that happy people want to help others be happy while hurting people want to share their pain.

So when someone is acting unkindly or irresponsibly, remind yourself, “This has nothing to do with me.” Even if a person is telling you why they’re angry at you, they could communicate kindly. Their anger is theirs, not yours, and is their responsibility.

Let bad behavior be irrelevant in your life. It is not a statement of your goodness or worth. It is an outpouring of their pain.

Either don’t dignify it with a response, or respond with kindness. Or walk away and give it all to higher power to resolve.

As we approach this very polarized election, remember my little story about the pimp at the pool and the friendly dolphin, and rest assured that whether or not you like who gets elected, the Divine’s amazing grace has amazing ways of keeping you safe, secure, abundant, and happy as long as you’re willing to abide in the loving vibration to receive it.

If you like the winning candidate, pray for them. If not, pray for them. Love is the power that creates worlds, transforms hearts, and allows you to be in the world but not of it.

May the light of love rise up in all human hearts, whether we agree with them or not. May all beings know peace, joy, and love.

The post Above the influence… first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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