I am writing this Tuesday night. I know several people who were too close to the floods in the last storm, and I know many more who are in the current bullseye of the next hurricane. We are all praying. By the time you read this I’ll be teaching a class about “Living in the Flow,” and we’ll all be sending love to those who weathered the storms. These are wild times.

Nonetheless, when aligned with the Divine you have the guidance and grace to ride out and regroup after any one of life’s storms. I shared the story last week about the friend who requested urgent prayers, and catalyzed a group of us to pray. She said she watched the water recede after nearly coming up to her house. She got her power back before others did. So many were not nearly so fortunate, but in nearly all the videos I’ve watched, faith keeps coming up as the one thing that got people through the storm. Faith is what carries them forward.

Our love, prayers, and assistance—both the human form and the spiritual form—can bring hope to those in need of such faith.

With love, truly all things are possible.

Today, I gazed with Braco online during my lunch break. I imagined being peace at the center of this massive hurricane. I asked it to dissipate energy through me if possible to the extent I was able to handle it. I felt staticky energy running out through my hands. I asked it to give me what energy I could safely handle and to dissipate energy to all on earth in need of more energy.

There is massive energy in these storms and we can make use of some of it with our intent, thus helping in some small way to lessen what it unleashes in its fury. While it might seem that one person cannot make a huge impact, you’ll never know till you reached the other side if maybe you were the one that prevented a single gust of wind from knocking a tree on someone’s house. We do what we can, and we must trust.

Those of us who are not affected by life’s storms and devastations often wonder what else we can do, beyond the obvious physical assistance. The angels often suggest we sit, breathe, and allow Spirit to flow love through us to anyone in need. It allows those of us who connect to spirit more often to function very much like “Step down transformers”– devices that take in higher voltage electricity–strong energy–and reduces it to lower voltage electricity–gentler energy–so it’s safer or better suited for smaller devices (or in this case, people who aren’t accustomed to the higher vibes).

Sometimes, when I do this, I see people in my mind’s eye. Sometimes I lose track of where I am and wake up two hours later. You may never know who you are helping or comforting when you do this, but you can trust Spirit to use you as a conduit for those in need. Or course anyone can “dial direct” so to speak, but not everyone in a crisis or facing a challenge has time or inspiration to do it. We can help. Again, you won’t know until you reach the other side, but your willingness to channel love might be the “second wind” or the burst of hope that comforts someone who is afraid, or who can’t figure out where to turn next. While we watch the storms and the wars, and wonder what to do, we can sit in Spirit with those in the actual situaitons and allow healing, comforting grace to flow.

And then there are those times when we have to turn inward and get ourselves recalibrated before we can give to others…

I had one such weekend… I wobbled out of my usually good vibe, and saw the results manifest around me very quickly. Happily I got recalibrated just as fast!

What set me off was so minor in the greater scheme of life I can hardly believe it got me. After three weeks of making zero headway with customer service in a situation that required resolution, I got one more generic email completely ignoring the problem. If you could see energy, steam was probably coming out of my ears. I didn’t take it out on anyone. I was still polite and kind in my return email, but as I continued to dwell on the problem again, I started to steam and stew. This went on for several hours and it was not a good idea! I’m too fast a flow for that sort of bad-vibing.

Needless to say it wasn’t all “heaven” that broke loose as a result!  My computer crashed that evening, and I spent two days rebuilding it. In the middle of the night, I got up to check on the computer, tripped over the class supplies in the hallway, and broke a toe. I had been so excited at the prospect of getting out in nature on Sunday to see the Fall colors, and suddenly I was grounded. I had to stop and laugh at my own creations. There was no mystery to this mess! It was obvious that I needed to recalibrate my energy as soon as possible.

And so, I did what I always do to dial myself back into the higher vibes. I let myself have the human emotions that bubbled up. I had a brief five minute pity party, then reached for something that felt better. At that moment, it was wine and cheese (vs. me being whiny and cheesy!). I’m a lightweight so I poured a half glass of pinot into one of my pretties purple crystal goblets. I enjoyed the memory of finding my little treasure glass at a thrift shop years ago. I took out a pretty plate and arranged a few slices of good cheese. I put on an inspiring craft video, sipped, nibbled, and proceeded to treat myself as if I was at a fancy resort, even with the foot propped up and wrapped in ice.

My thoughts turned to good in record time, as I surrendered and made the best of where I was. It occurred to me that maybe this little injury was keeping me home and off the roads for a reason. I recalled that I had wanted to clean up my computer and tidy up my home. I had asked for my body to be realigned. I know it could have all happened more gracefully, but thankfully, in a good vibe, even the messes we make are turned into good.

It wasn’t long before I received inspiration about how to fix the remaining computer problems. In fact, the hard drive is running better than before. While waiting for the restoration to finish, I got several areas in the house and garage organized. I had time to meditate and pray for all who are going through much tougher times.  I can still walk and drive and am not suffering at all if I’m careful.

I knew I was back on track, when spirit gave me the cutest “god-winks,” by flashing my front lights right as I passed, and by suddenly starting to play a Braco video on my TV, which had been on Youtube—with no videos selected—for hours. I had to laugh when heard voices in the family room and discovered that the video “The Ocean of Presence” was playing, courtesy of my invisible friends!  They’re not subtle!

The angels don’t keep score of our “lesser” moments. They just celebrate and encourage our return to the kinder ones. Although we all have challenges , when we’re aligned with the loving Presence, the challenges are less challenging. When we get off-kilter and fall into fear, upset, anger, etc., we wobble.  And it is all OK. It isn’t that difficult to get back on track. It only takes one better thought at a time.

Just in case you have a human wobble every now and then, here are a few pointers to get back into that flow and back to your own sweet, loving center:

1.  Treat yourself with kindness

If you’ve had a wobble and feel bad, you need kindness, not self-criticism. You need self-compassion. You need to grant yourself some grace and mercy. Sometimes you need a hug. Give yourself one if no one else will. You’ll get the same boost of oxytocin!  Sometimes, you need a kind word of encouragement. Give this to yourself.

We’re all growing and expanding, and there’s no need for anything but kindness to self.

2. Look for something better to focus on

No matter what is going on, we can look for the good. I have known and seen so many who were in natural disasters and who have lost so much, yet these dear souls give thanks for simply being alive. No matter what is going on, or how hard it feels, there will always be something kinder to focus on, no matter who small and unrelated to the challenge it might be.

When life is hard, bless the mess and look for the best.

3. Focus forward

Whatever wobbled you is behind you now. There is no use rehashing it unless it comforts you to do so. Instead, focus forward. Focus on the outcome you want. The people in the storms started cleaning up the minute it was over. They’re focusing forward. They have to.

If you’ve lost someone, do your best to focus on how amazing it would be to feel them around you and pick up on their guidance. You’ll grieve. We’re all human, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But there is more ahead.

In my case I focused on all the good that was to come out of my little mess and sure enough life is amazing again. My customer service problem was solved the day after I fixed my energy. My computer is working better than ever. The foot is healing rapidly and I’m challenging myself to see how miraculous I can make it.

No matter what the problems you’ve encountered—grand or small—focusing forward is a superpower that helps you move more gently and easily beyond the situation at hand.

We are all powerful manifesters. Why so many feel stuck is that we wobble back and forth. Some days, you feel filled with brilliance and beauty; other days, the world gets you down.  No matter what, the love that Sources worlds is within, waiting to give you strength, help, healing, ideas, and so much more.

Tap in often. We need it right now. The more of us who receive this beautiful love and allow it to flow through us, the better our world becomes. Aligned with the Divine, we too can become the calm in life’s storms.

The post Vibrational support & what to do when you wobble… first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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