Should You Wait for Your Manifestations? ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We understand you even though we cannot relate to everything that you are experiencing there on Earth because it is so different from our nonphysical plane of existence. We invite you to consider the possibility that you can be helped by those who are living something quite different from what you are living. You know what you need, and you know you have the free will to create what you want to create. We will supply the energy as universal architects within this universe, to help you with those creations.

Now, we cannot serve them up to you on a silver platter once they are created. You must maintain the vibration you were in when you created that manifestation to bring it to fruition in your experience. Now, does that mean you need to think about what you want all the time, or speak about it, write about it, and vision board about it? No, you don’t have to do those things. You can go off and have a good time. Live the life of your dreams as best you can, and be in that higher-vibrational state with your faith that it is coming.

Oftentimes, those who are doing the most to manifest something into their experience have the least amount of faith, or they are believing in the process rather than in themselves and in the law of the universe that states that you will get what you are a vibrational match to. And so, we invite you to consider us to be those who can deliver what you’ve asked for to a certain extent. And we invite you to see yourselves as those who are powerful enough to manifest whatever it is you can dream up in your imagination. You may have to wait longer than you’d like to, however, and sometimes it is the waiting that kills the faith.

And therefore, the best course of action is to love yourself and your life in the present moment, regardless of what is or is not present in your life. Then there is no waiting, because you’re too busy enjoying what you already have, appreciating what already is manifest in your experience, and you have no time for waiting, for checking the clock and the calendar to see how long it’s been since you asked for what you want. Know that it is already yours, it is making its way to you, and as long as you remain true to yourself, you will be in that higher-vibrational state to receive with open arms what you have called to yourself with the power that you have within you to create, manifest and experience the life of your dreams.

Now, when there are others involved, and it becomes a co-creation, you can count on more energy coming your way, and you can focus together on what you want to co-create, and remind each other that life is still good, even though what you have co-created has not arrived into your experience yet. Co-creating is powerful, and you all do it all the time. Certainly, you have all the power that you need with in you, but it is also fun to create with others and to experience your creations coming to fruition and celebrating with one another just how powerful you are.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

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The post Should You Wait for Your Manifestations? ∞The Creators appeared first on Daniel Scranton’s Channeling.

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