New Energies Coming in from Andromeda ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. 

It is indeed a time to celebrate how far you’ve come there on planet Earth because you face so many challenges and because you have faced so many challenges, and yet there you are, still standing, still in one piece. Now the road ahead for you is easier and better than the road that is behind you, and that due in large part to the help that you’re getting, but it has much more to do with how much you’re helping yourselves. Those of you who have been willing to engage in self-help are leading in this consciousness evolution there on your planet.

You cannot help but raise the level of consciousness of the entire Earth and all of her inhabitants when you look within yourselves and you say, ‘Is that the best I can do?’ As you wonder even if there’s a better version of yourself than the one that you’ve been, you automatically start to actualize that version of yourself that you are daydreaming about. Now when you also take an interest in the betterment of the lives of other people there on your planet, then you know you are really moving the needle of the overall vibration of this collective consciousness that you are all a part of.

We know that you sometimes see yourselves as ones who are not enough, and you are very hard on yourselves about how much you are doing to help, but we want you to know that you are having a much bigger impact than you could possibly imagine, and we also want you to know that more help is on the way. More help comes when you utilize the help you are being given, and that’s what humanity has been doing lately, and that’s how the additional help can be justified by all of us in the higher realms. 

Keep opening up to receive from your galactic friends and family members, knowing that we have an eye on each of you, and we are measuring your readiness for the energies that we want to deliver. Remember that this will continue and that you will also continue to get help from your guides, your ancestors, your higher selves, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many others who you wouldn’t think of as galactic beings and collectives necessarily. 

From the Andromedan Galaxy right now, you can expect to receive more energies that will help you in feeling, in sensing, in intuiting more of what you need to know, because with your heightened sensitivity, you have more information to go on when making a choice that involves yourself and a choice that involves others. And you are the thought leaders and the wayshowers there on Earth who need that sensitivity to guide them. You need to be able to demonstrate to others that they too have everything that they need inside of them. 

And this is how you do it, and this is how we help. We love helping you to become more independent, to be more empowered, and to know yourselves more truly and fully as you really are. And so you can expect the help to continue to pour in as you continue to grow and evolve, expanding into your higher selves. 

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

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