We are in the midst of incredible evolution, not only ours but those around us, too. We’re seeing ourselves change almost by the minute, and seeing others change as well. We’ve been working on ourselves, and embodying the energy of the new time in order to create our new experience, and now we’re watching this new experience take shape. And we have been feeling remarkable periods of acceleration, where the speed of this process picks up considerably.

Recent days have been like this. Whatever we had planned goes right out the window, and instead we are swept up in the strong and supportive incoming energy carrying us to where we are going. We become very present in this energy because many things are converging and happening and it makes us stay present with all of it. Are you feeling this?

Alignment with the new frequencies is becoming easier as we have given up our resistance to them. We’re no longer holding on to “who we are,” but relaxing into who we are becoming. And we continue to become a new version of ourselves with every passing day.

This past weekend you may have noticed being tired or sleepy, but over the previous days we were energized and tuning in to this new person we’ve become. We’re observing and watching to see what this new person does.

There are fresh experiences on a regular basis as we move further into the world we’re creating. We’re embodying this new light quickly now, and that’s because our frequency is higher and our whole physical makeup has evolved and is now capable of holding more light. This is such a remarkable process.

We’re each embodying and holding the codes for our New Earth and sending those out around us, and we’re seeing the impact this is having. On one of my bike rides this weekend a neighbor stopped me to say thank you. For what, I asked and she replied, “You opened a door for me.” Evidently I said something about how the crows are communicating with us, and she found a book at the library about the language of crows. She read it and said, “Now I’m talking with them every day and I love it.”

But we may not know exactly what we’re doing or saying to have an impact. Because our energy is creating the impact. We’re absorbed in this new world and simply enjoying it, and we’re sharing our observations and our happiness and the peace we are feeling.

We’re spending time with our families and friends and pets and being outside in nature.

The deeper we move into our new world, the more we withdraw our energy from the old world. It feels tired and no longer interesting. Other than spending time with our families and friends and pets and being outside in nature, we’re just doing the basics, like shopping for food.

That old world is disappearing now, and it can’t happen soon enough. We’re ready for what’s coming in. We’re riding the dragon that has arrived to carry us home. We’re creating what we want to have happen and seeing things come into being quickly. We’re being surprised by the changes we see in others. It’s all happening now right before our eyes. The dream we’ve held in our hearts for so long is coming true.

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