The world is like a pool right now with a bunch of people splashing around, creating all sorts of currents. There is phenomenal love pouring into our reality, and as a result, the resistance to that love is felt so much more strongly. We feel any bits of stuffed emotion strongly as this love attempts to to vibrate us up and away from the past. We witness others who don’t know what to do with these feeling getting a little nutty as they attempt to dump their negative feelings in old-practiced ways that aren’t terribly healthy! It is a turbulent time, yet a time of great opportunity if we “entangle” ourselves with love.

A few weeks ago, after blessing my body and telling it I appreciated how resilient it was, a lovely mole appeared on my arm within hours. One hour it wasn’t there. The next hour, it was a spot, then an hour later, it was growing rapidly. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was like watching time-lapse photography.

“Better out than in!” was my first thought. Something needed to come up and out. So I did what I do when weird things appear in my body. I sat there and sent it all the love in my heart, thanked it for revealing itself, and told it kindly it could go. Literally, “Thank you, darling, for coming up and out. Now you can go. Dear healthy cells, please dissect this into component proteins, use what you can, and eliminate the rest.” That was it.  I put a few creams on it that help, put castor oil on it at night, and spent a minute imagining my healthy cells as little workers disassembling the unwelcome visitor. Then I said goodbye to it and went to bed. The next day, it was much smaller. The following day, it was only a spot, and by day 3, it was all gone. It was incredible.Entangling with love has its perks!

As I mentioned last week, a lot of dear people in my life had serious medical issues all at once. I managed to stay in a good space and tried to be as helpful as I could. One was out of the hospital quickly. One received incredible help from friends. The others will come through it, although not a fun experience. Everyone is still vertical, as a dear friend likes to say.

I stayed strong through the intense phase, but then last Wednesday night I had a moment of feeling very sad for the family member who had sufferedthrough some unpleasant bleeding. “I hate to see them in pain,” I thought to myself. That was an entanglement with the wrong thing!  Within a minute I felt something odd in my right eye, went to the mirror, and saw that the white part of my eye had turned completely red. How attractive!  A blood vessel had burst. My first thought was almost amusement. “That’s new!” was the only thing I could think! I sent love to my eyes, thanked them for all they do for me, and blessed them for reminding me how powerful our focus really is!  I had to wear glasses for a few days but everything healed fine.  I live in a fast flow and can mess things up or correct them very quickly. Entanglements with various vibrations are becoming more obvious!

We have energetic entanglements with everyone and everything, and we can either vibe with the best or vibe with the rest!  I usually vibe with the good stuff in life. I craved cucumbers last week, and my cucumber plant grew delicious cukes within days. I looked so forward to my class last Saturday, and it was a magical time with amazing people—those who ran the center, the friends who helped me, and all of you dear angels who attended.

It is easy to get entangled with the no-so-desirable stuff in life. Angry or fearful people like attention, and they unconsciously tug and pull at us to give it to them with their misbehavior, often triggering our own upset. There are many painful things in the world that tug at our heartstrings… but that isn’t so great for our hearts.  Instead of getting sucked into the dramatic plays offered by others or allowing the world to get you down, it is far better to get “entangled” with love. Even when you feel profoundly sad or upset, you can comfort yourself, take a nap, or choose something kind for yourself, and that will help you dance in the vibration of love, even in difficult times.

I do my utmost daily to vibe with love and to avoid getting myself all twisted up in the behaviors of others. It wasn’t always this way. In my younger days I had a very hard time letting things go. I wanted people to understand me, like me, and know my heart. And when they didn’t, I engaged in the same behaviors we all do when we feel some part of us is threatened—fight or flight.  “Fight” meant getting angry and trying to defend myself, if only in endless imaginary conversations in my mind. “Flight” looked like me curling up in a ball and crying.

After one particularly hurting individual aimed a lot of hatred at me, I asked the angels how not to feel the pain and be upset.  Their answer surprised me. “Accept your upset!”  They continued,  “Bad food will never taste good and bad behaviors will never feel good. Look away.”  They’d been telling me to focus on something better for months, but what set me free was allowing myself to feel my upset and dislike for this person’s unpleasant and hateful behaviors. The day I  said to the angels, “You’re right, I am angry!” was a day of freedom. “Of course you are,” they replied. “How on earth would you feel good about that! Look away!”

In that interchange I felt at long last permission to feel. Permission to stop entangling myself with the negativity being aimed at me. Permission not to like it. Permission to make it irrelevant in my life. That was the day I stopped trying to be a saint, stopped trying to like the unlikeable behaviors, and granted myself the grace to have human feelings. That was the day the opinions, judgments, criticisms, and hatred of anyone else became irrelevant. I know who I am and how I love. I know my strengths and I’m aware of areas that can be improved. The angels know who I am. God knows who I am.

At long last I stopped getting entangled in the opinions of others. I stepped out of a sticky dance of wanting to prove myself, wanting to be understood, and wanting to justify my feelings, and just clearly owned the fact that I only wanted people in my personal life who knew how to manage their emotions, behave like adults, and take responsibility for their own happiness. Of course, my friends and I help each other through tough times, but not one of us would expect the other to be responsible for our feelings.

It has been a gift from heaven to, at long last, step out of the dance of negativity offered by the world and others and to “stay in my own lane,” as the saying goes. I like entangling with love. I like entangling with the Divine, the angels, and the loving beings in my life. I like what happens when I live in appreciation, and while I am never “perfect,” the bulk of my life is spent vibing with love.

If the people who are upsetting matter to you, then find something you can love about them and focus on that with all your will on that no matter what they show you. If they don’t, don’t waste your time trying to force something that is not a natural fit. Move on or disengage as quickly as you can.

It does take practice to give yourself permission to let go of the focus on negative or unkind behaviors or unpleasant things we witness, but as we do, one moment at a time, we free up the light that wants to flow in us and through us and become a wonderful force of love and light in the world.

Here are a few pointers to help you free yourself from the entanglements with negative behaviors and focus more on vibing with love.

1.  Be Real About How You Feel

Little children—until they’re trained out of it—are great at being honest with themselves and others without a shred of guilt. I used to sit and work outside by an in-ground fountain at an outdoor mall. Kids were allowed to play in the streams of water and their joyful squeals as they splashed and played were delightful. One day however, we had a little character in the fountain. This child would fill up his bucket and pour it over the other kids’ heads. Some kids liked it and laughed. Some kids wanted more water poured over their heads. Some sprayed him back or engaged in a game of who could get the other wetter. And some kids did not like this at all.

Regardless of whether they liked it or not they were honest. One little girl was hilarious. After having water dumped on her head, she stopped, turned around, and gave this little guy a glare that could have melted a grown man, proclaiming loudly for all to hear. “I DON’T LIKE YOU!” She turned and stormed off to play with kids she did enjoy. The little guy took the bucket and dumped it on someone more agreeable to his game. It was one of the most honest interchanges I have ever witnessed between two people who were clearly not a vibrational match!  Neither one of them spent a second more trying to get the other one to feel good about them.

Give yourself permission to like what you do and dislike what you don’t. Give yourself permission to disengage from behaviors that you find disagreeable. That may mean remaining silent while a coworker incessantly complains while you do your grocery list in your head! It may mean walking away in the middle of someone’s diatribe, however “rude” that might feel to you. It may mean saying, “Goodbye, I have to get going,” and hanging up the phone.

It might mean letting someone know you love them too much to argue and will be happy to talk when everyone is calm.

Being real about how you feel doesn’t mean you need anyone’s agreement or validation. You live in your own body. You know your own mind.

The only one who needs to “get you” is you.

If you can accept your own feelings, you won’t have to get everyone else to agree. You can just do what feels best to you in a given moment and disengage from any negativity.

2. Stop trying to like what you don’t

As the angels taught me, own your likes and dislikes. Discernment is not judgment. They like to say this:

Judgment says “no right to be.”
Discernment says, “Not right for me.”

You know what feels right to you and what doesn’t.  There’s no need to try to like what you don’t.

Instead, try to focus on something better that you do like. Tune into a more loving vibration with something you can more easily love. The vibration you’re in is the most important factor in what you will experience in life.

Do your best to find something to soothe, uplift, of comfort you. “Turn the other cheek,” as Jesus once said, and turn your thoughts away from the negativity in life.

3. Choose the stories you make up

We all make up stuff in our heads. We make up conversations justifying ourselves to those who don’t get us. We make up stories about what people meant when they said something, or looked at us a certain way. We make a lot of things mean a lot more than they probably do. The angels often say, “If you’re going to write a novel, write a good one!”

The negative stories we make up entangle us with undesirable vibes and undesirable behaviors in real life! The positive stories entangle us with love. When I imagined those healthy cells disassembling the unhealthy ones, I made that up! I made up a picture in my mind. I made up the story in my head that this was no big deal and the body would quickly self-correct. When I can honestly do that, things change quickly.

So, if you catch yourself making up stories for which you have no real facts to back them up, stop. Even if you do have facts to back up a negative story that runs in your head incessantly, try to stop. If the story doesn’t make you feel good, make up a better one. I’m not talking about sharing made-up stories with others and fibbing! I’m talking about changing the little mini-series we have in our own minds to more empowering ones.

Our good stories raise help us entangle with the good in life. Our negative ones entangle us with vibrations we really don’t care for.

It was an intense week for so many people. My inbox flooded with dear souls dealing with difficult situations, some in tears, some angry, and so many going through difficult situations at home, work, etc. The angels lovingly encouraged people who felt tormented by the behaviors of others to look away, to focus on the good, and to give themselves permission to be swift and decisive about disengaging from any negative dance of egos.

After all, if we’re going to get “entangled” with something, it may as well be with love!

The post Entangled with love first appeared on Ann Albers Visions of Heaven.

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